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Everything posted by Tank

  1. We drove by the boneyard out near Palmdale last week. Was surprised at how many 747s we saw. Tons of them all lined up.
  2. i miss using the word rooskies. thanks for the reminder, GB.
  3. i'm trying desperately to muster up some sympathy for you, buddy. so far, no good.
  4. i once moved when it was 108. it sucked like nothing else, but as my buddy said, it was better than moving in the rain, something he knew about firsthand.
  5. LOL, that's brilliant, vegas. my dad has such an inferiority complex. when i graduated from college with a four year BS degree, about two weeks before graduation he suddenly stated telling us how he also had a four year degree. We knew it was bull because he dropped out of college and then later dropped out of nursing school. About a month before i got my MA, he started telling us that he, too, had a masters degree. When we asked him from where he got it, he said it was from "the army." His supposed degree is in "Teaching Techniques", something he created for himself apparently. If it exists, and we're pretty sure it doesn't, then we don't imagine too many people in the army are graduating with this degree. i mentioned earlier about him having a cane. It's a cane he made out of an old bed post and it really looks nice. He found a catalogue that sells all kinds of military emblems in miniature, so he ordered a ton of them and glued them on and made it look pretty darn nice. His plan was to make a whole bunch of these canes and then sell them at swap meets. But like so many other things, he got tired of making them and never followed through. One of the things he created when i was a kid was a board game. It was about the music industry and the goal was to get to the end and have your song published. He made all the game pieces, the cards, these miniature gold records, and so on. My brother and i got a kick playing it, but it ended up in the garage collecting dust because he never followed through with anyone about getting it published.
  6. nope. they've got some tough stains in them that just wouldn't come out.
  7. should we start calling you caitlyn151? good luck. it's a big endeavor and i hope it pays off for you in many ways.
  8. my dad has a ton of stuff. he's an amateur songwriter who is desperate to get some of his songs to merle haggard, thinking if merle can hear just one of them, that will be the big break my dad needs and he'll realize his dream of being a famous musical writer. my dad has always had these kinds of big dreams. until he and my mom divorced when i was 12, he was always working on one project or another. he is the most creative person i've ever known, ridiculously artistic too. but his problem is that he can never finish anything. he joined the army at the very end of WWII and was stationed in san fran at the presidio, or somewhere near there. he's been on a big tangent the last couple of years to let everyone know that he is a WWII vet, wearing jackets and hats and even making his own cane. he still wears his dog tags. he does all of this because it makes him feel important. if you talked to him, you'd almost come away with the idea that he raised the flag on iwo jima all by himself. this all comes out of his desperate search for people to give him their approval. if you don't offer it to him right away, he'll hound you until you do, and then want you to repeat yourself. he also likes to lecture us about how much he knows. when we visit him, so much of our time together is spent listening to him pontificate about everything. he spends so much time talking about everything that he's doing or knows that it has become pretty rare for him to ask us questions about what we're doing or what we think about different things. my dad really doesn't know all that much about me, my family, or my brother because he never really asks, and it becomes difficult to squeeze a word in many times. i feel a lot of sadness and exhaustion after spending time with him, and i wish it wasn't that way.
  9. my dad did what he could. his own dad left when he was 3 so he never had a real father figure in his life. i don't fault him for that because he really never knew what a father should be like. sadly, he didn't try hard enough to be a better dad than that. he was a pretty bad provider and was often without work because he couldn't get along with people. my mom forbid him to attend any of my little league games because he ended up embarrassing me all the time with things he'd yell out from the stands. he never had much of a filter, and it's been a problem all his life, even still today. he was absent a lot from home but couldn't hold a steady job; he was pretty sparse about child support because of it. i always thought he could have done better by being around more and not saying stupid things outloud all the time. he also had the gift of arguing with anyone anywhere over anything because he knew everything there was to know. it was tough to be around that as a kid, and it's not really any better now as an adult. i know he loves me and my family as well as he can.
  10. my daughter and i like watching the new bear grylls show on monday nights where he and a celebrity go somewhere very remote and then try and make it back to a rally point and head home. they have to do all kinds of difficult survival things along the way. in this week's episode, bear and michelle rodriguez were setting up camp for the night. they found a mouse and bear killed it for supper. they were out of water, so he said that they were going to need to consume urine from one of them. they skinned the mouse and then michelle volunteered to pee in a cup. they would use the urine to make a broth. she did, they cooked it over a fire with the mouse inside, and then both of them ate and drank. i hope i'm never in that kind of situation.
  11. i'm curious to see how the career arc has gone for ice cube. he started off as such a hard gangster, and now he's doing mainstream hollywood studio movies ("are we there yet?") and talk shows.
  12. it's amazing how much that reminds me of keats and byron.
  13. an email peyt's behavior during the first morning of the first day? gonna be a long, long year for that teacher.
  14. i don't have an enjoyable relationship with my dad. he turns 89 in a couple of months, and he's getting closer to passing. when his time comes, it'll be hard on me that i don't have a ton of great stories of the two of us and the things we did. i envy those of you who have great relationships with your dad and all the great things the two of you have done. i'm trying to have that kind of relationship with my daughter.
  15. with few exceptions, i'm tired of all the alternates.
  16. glad to see you're being exposed to some quality old time country western music. Marty Robbins was a great singer.
  17. Think of the huge pool of single women available to him. A very odd choice.
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