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Everything posted by Tank

  1. flew to hawaii once. kept looking out the window thinking "if we have any kind of trouble, we're all screwed."
  2. phillip rivers signs a 4 year deal worth over 83 mil, with 65 mil guaranteed.
  3. i've got day, spieth, and rose in group b. sorry, mr. rose.
  4. looking forward to sunday. should be a really fun conclusion.
  5. i've been thinking it's more a case of them liking the fact that he's unfiltered and not beholden to the party leadership. he's the anti-candidate.
  6. let's see, 1,500,000,000 - 4000 . . . we better try harder than just a measly 4k per day.
  7. good for him for doing this. i hope he ends up spending as much as he's promising.
  8. i've onely liked inglorious basterds so far of any of his films i've seen. i don't like that he seems to make a point of being excessively violent in most everything he makes.
  9. i went to paul's big screen once with tax return money in my pocket. they had about 3 of the tvs they advertise on commercials and about 12,000 of these high end mitsubishi's that would have cost me far more than i had available. was pretty unhappy about their advertising practices and didn't buy squat.
  10. rocky road? what kind of disrespectful SOB are you?!? make it a banana split and you're good.
  11. only flew on a 747 once, and that was about 6 or 7 years ago. enjoyed it very much and made sure to go upstairs and take a look around. of course, the people sitting up there looked at me like i was a moron, but i didn't really care. when i was a kid, the 747 was introduced. it was a thing of pure beauty to me. we had show 'n tell at school (i was in 3rd or 4th grade) and i told the class i had flown to philadelphia to independence hall and saw the liberty bell. showed them this book of historical documents i had purchased. they were all duly impressed. the only problem was that i didn't actually take the trip. we went to liberty hall across the street from knott's berry farm and i bought one of those packages of the declaration, the constitution, the bill of rights, etc. and tried to pass it off as something bigger. told a big fat lie and never got called on it.
  12. i'm completely with you on this. on a flight over an ocean, 4>>>>>>2
  13. i'm guessing if the nhlpa wins their case, richards will likely be traded. can't really see him skating for the kings again.
  14. You're doing the things I wish my dad would have done more of with me, Phil. My favorite times with my dad were when he would play catch with me or we'd camp out in the backyard, things like that. My issues with him stem from the fact that those moments were so very few and far between, and that his own issues prevented him from trying to do a better job. Keep doing what you're doing, man.
  15. Loved the video of the kid celebrating when he picked up the club. What a great story he has to tell.
  16. Too bad. I thought the shape of the 747 was very sexy.
  17. The media still had some credibility left to lose? Who knew!
  18. Two Vice Presidents plus a First Lady running for president? Entertaining.
  19. She seems more like type that will go to the Dinah Shore Classic in Palm Springs.
  20. Labor Day will be uncle Joe's announcement day.
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