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Everything posted by Tank

  1. my wife and i honeymooned in hawaii. we spent some time outdoors seeing tourist stuff and hitting the beach, but probably spent more time indoors. no complaints. :-) would like to go back and perhaps visit maui instead of oahu, but wouldn't complain about being in oahu again. was in lake tahoe three weeks ago. spectacular views. would like to visit there again. have taken two cruises to alaska. it's a state with a different kind of beauty, and i thoroughly enjoyed it both times. would gladly go back again. next summer we're taking a cruise to jamaica, grand cayman, and cozumel. hope to be able to do some snorkeling with my daughter.
  2. without a doubt, rico. i think with the wide availability of birth control, unwanted pregnancies shouldn't happen nearly as much as they used to.
  3. you're jumping to a different conclusion, and though i disagree, it's a different perspective that i appreciate you bringing to the table. the creation of adam is not the same as a child gestating in its' mothers womb.
  4. **OVER SIMPLIFICATION ALERT** don't do the crime if you can't do the time.
  5. so all those people stuck in 1955 or 1877 are just left to the whims of chance?!? come on, man, THINK!
  6. that's useful info. i was thinking he may have had some kind of police scanner that tuned in to the radio traffic between the studio and their mobile reporters, and he used that to follow them.
  7. i bought the illustrated version of the da vinci code, which included pictures of all the different paintings that he referenced. it was awesome.
  8. that's great! what a terrific idea for someone to do all that work. thanks, soto.
  9. long range prediction in glendale for friday and saturday that weekend call for a high of 81 both days. we're your neighbors directly to your west (in case you didn't know).
  10. i think "second tuesday after eternity" ought to be an option. all of you charter members of the grant green HOF fan club ought to be all over sosh for playing this guy.
  11. i was excellent at choosing guys who shot over par today. i also managed to keep bubba on my bench today. solid work, tank!
  12. last year i was in north carolina for ten days. driving near asheville we saw the sign for the bat cave a few times. kind of awesome.
  13. dan brown's details are fantastic. i've been reading Inferno and really enjoy the detail he puts in all of his books.
  14. soto, how would the gunman have known where the camera crew was going to be?
  15. try ashleyashleymadisonmadisondotcom.
  16. a few elections ago i was preparing something for my students about the california governor's race. i looked at websites for both the R and D, and while there were definite differences in several areas, i was quite surprised at how many areas there were where they both held the same view.
  17. this election already feels like it's going to be millard filmore vs. rutherford b. hayes.
  18. still waiting for confirmation from the Hindustan Times.
  19. if fast food is outlawed, only outlaws will have fast food.
  20. we're closing in on 100 today in glendale, or as we like to call it at my school, it's "bust out your fleece" week.
  21. a childhood friend of mine used to be a cameraman at channel 5 news. he was like the guy that was shot yesterday, doing lots of mobile stories. he's out the game now, and i'm glad he was never a victim. soto, do you think this event and a few others in recent months will change the way mobile reporters do their job? do you see them having a security person go along with them to prevent anymore incidents like the one in virginia?
  22. since going online and finding places like aw. com, i find that i don't read nearly as many books as i used to, and i miss it.
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