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Everything posted by Tank

  1. one of the arguments has always been that if they have children, there's a greater increase in genetic disabilities that can be passed along within the family bloodline. another one is that it's just $%#@*&^&^% creepy to sleep with your cousin or sister.
  2. "never get involved in a land war in asia."
  3. ha. the older i get, the more i hate the first week of school. i'm always relieved to get to october.
  4. for those of you looking for a date with Giada De Laurentis. https://celebrity.yahoo.com/news/giada-laurentiis-officially-divorced-owes-ex-husband-tons-023008029.html
  5. brandon and wicked, we're in a bit of a financial, ahem, "lull" at home. would it be okay if i paid you in He-Man trading cards or Flintstones plastic drinking glasses?
  6. would it help if i had mentioned how i used to get refills on the soda?
  7. i'm still irked that they no longer play the skins game.
  8. they have a decent veggie burger there. i like to get it hawaiian style with pineapple and teriyaki. their fries are good, too.
  9. glad to hear i'm not alone on this. not a huge fan of mac 'n cheese for some reason unless it's kraft. go figure.
  10. thanks both of you, that was helpful. now, can you explain freddie mac and fannie mae? i have no clue what those are.
  11. i'm sure we're putting that into a low-yield savings account for when paul goldschmidt becomes a free agent at age 36.
  12. i'm over it and have moved on. as i've gotten older, when the team struggles it becomes a whole lot harder to hang in there for a full 9 innings of misery. i've hardly watched any games this year from start to finish. i check in frequently, but if they're losing i have zero confidence in their ability to come back. i'd rather watch or do something else. i'd be more inclined to watch if they played exciting baseball, even if it meant they weren't winning everything in sight. i feel like we're back in the mid-90s right now.
  13. at this point, i'd rather have the luxury of freese over the unknown of cowart. maybe a one year deal with an option, and i'm not sure i'd give him much of a raise. he's making $6m now? don't really see him being worth much more than that. 2 yrs 15 mil take it or leave it.
  14. nfl has the right to appeal to whichever circuit court has juridiction (2nd maybe?). at this point, it seems like they've made their point and should move on. only caught a portion of it this morning while getting ready, but i thought i heard roger cossack on espn say something about brady was pissed because at the time they talked, goodell didn't tell him he could be suspended for something like this, and he objected to having a suspension that was as long as someone who got popped for PEDs. if there's a better understanding of this part from someone, feel free to correct my version. if this is true, you have to be a special kind of moron to not realize that when the commissioner talks to you about possible cheating that you can be suspended.
  15. seems like an open invitation for the fine folks at westboro baptist to show up. this fits their agenda perfectly.
  16. how in the world do any of you know what they're doing for social security in chile and singapore??
  17. i hear rutherford is lovely this time of year. it's worth the hour drive. but stay out of yountville - they're a bunch of snobs.
  18. this may be a bit out there, but i don't think you have to have physical contact to actually cheat. i think if you're talking to someone online that isn't your spouse/partner and you're trying to work out details for a meet on a website like this, you've already cheated.
  19. many of my jr. high kids can type pretty well. it's rare that i see the one-finger method on a keyboard.
  20. i know nothing about any of this, so forgive me if this question is on the simple side . . . but if i take a home loan through bank of america, for instance, why in the world do they sell my loan to someone else?
  21. he was in so many of those classic, family-oriented low budget disney films. i really liked the snowball express.
  22. the last time i went fishing, a buddy and his wife took me and my wife out on his 19 footer. just for fun we threw a line over the side (all four of us were vegetarians) and planned to release whatever we caught. i caught a ray. we pulled it in to the boat and cut the line, but we couldn't get the hook out because he was squirming around so much. we finally dumped him back in the water with the hook sticking halfway out of his lower mouth. always felt bad about that, and hope he didn't suffer too much.
  23. my wife makes this potato casserole (it's called world's best potatoes). i could gorge on this like there's no tomorrow. it's filled with butter and cream/milk, and it's absolutely incredible. we usually combine this with another casserole called special k loaf (it's a vegetarian loaf that has cottage cheese, eggs, and special k cereal, and it's terrific). top this off with a big bowl of cherry vanilla choc chip ice cream, and you can call the mortician.
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