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Everything posted by Tank

  1. yep, you've never had an issue with calling me out. i like your perspective, glen. you challenge me to think once in a while even though i don't always see eye to eye with you. MT must be getting his fuel tanks filled today . . . if you know what i mean.
  2. one of the things i like about the constitution is that it's a living document. it's not finished and can be updated where needed/necessary. i see our country's laws in the same light. the culture changes now and then, sometimes for the better (though not always). i think laws need to be fair for the majority and reflect what we believe at the time they're made. i believe in the separation of church and state. so while i think our country should have some kind of moral guidance in creating laws, i don't think it's best to make all of those laws based on one set of Christian beliefs (hope that makes sense). for instance, while i don't support abortion outside of the life of the mother being at risk or in cases of rape or incest, i don't think this country can overturn roe v. wade at this point because it will cause more harm than good and people will go to extremes to still terminate an unwanted pregnancy just as they did pre-1973. nor would i try to remove all the guns in our society (too many to get rid of) but i'd work like hell to get rid of illegal guns and make sure people with mental health issues don't have access to them. and while i don't support gay marriage, it seemed inevitable that it would become legal throughout the country, especially as we saw one state after another make allowance for it. this was particularly an issue where we've seen a lot of change in society's acceptance of homosexuality, something that would not have even been considered in our grandparents' era. i think our national laws should always work for the greater good of society as a whole. smaller issues can be addressed by states or local legislatures. i hope i'm answering your question. i think i might have rambled a bit.
  3. my EC Warriors will destory the PCC - wait, what's their name? the fighting insurance salesmen?
  4. no way. it's too big a jump from assistant to the traveling secretary all the way up to GM.
  5. thanks, strads. i wish the best for you and your son, and i hope you both find whatever peace you're searching for.
  6. and for the forty-seventh time, i apologize.
  7. i don't like the mobile phone version. on my phone it jumps around from being so small i can't read it to being so big i can't fit a sentence on the screen. i usually use the ipad or computer. if i want to include any pictures, i use the computer.
  8. my wife makes a version of this for our Christmas brunch. it's incredibly good. i'm surprised paula deen's version isn't loaded with three cups of mayo. she seems like she would have put mayo on an aspirin, then battered it with flour and then deep friend that puppy.
  9. i think juan has a valid point. my brother and i have noticed, as have you, that things that used to objectionable are no longer being treated that way, and there's some good in that. but we've also noticed that some of the more vocal proponents INSIST that we as a society MUST accept nearly anything and everything, and i have an issue with that. for instance, the issue of homosexuality comes to mind (since it was mentioned). i have no issue treating anyone nicely. but i don't believe that homosexuality is okay because the bible condemns it. i don't think i should be forced to accept things that violate my spiritual/religious beliefs. it doesn't make me a hater (i've been called that on this board because i don't accept some things) because i'm not walking around condemning people - that's between each person and God. i think what makes juan's point have some validity is that the social justice crusaders on the left are more likely to be the ones to insist we all accept whatever they're promoting, and that if we don't, we're racist/misogynist/hateful people. that's simply not true for everyone who disagrees.
  10. Tank is more afraid of kidney stones.
  11. a meeting with her would not be productive, GB. i believe she's now sleeping with bobby flay. he recently divorced, also, and the two of them have been seen socially a few times in recent months.
  12. so am i the only one wondering what a left handed urinal is?
  13. the kiss made a big deal last year about being a new team and having very well known owners. they were on tv advertising quite a bit and did a good job about getting their message out. this year i'm not sure i heard or saw a single thing.
  14. i'd rather be knocked out than pass another kidney stone. #RIPMountainDew
  15. the first time i played PGA West, i was sitting at the bar after my round and looked up and saw all the score sheets from the times they had played the skins game there. It was a fun moment to realize where i had just played. Ended up playing there four times - i handled the pete dye course (used for the skins game for half a dozen years or so and also used for a few rounds of the bob hope chyrsler classic) well, shooting an 85 there on my best day. but the nicklaus resort course was a whole other ball game. first time i played nicklaus i couldn't break 100. second time i played it i was kicking butt through 10, looking at shooting around 88. i let that get into my head and my round fell apart on the back 9. ended up shooting 97 and was pretty steamed at myself about it. but it was also about the toughest course i've ever played, so i couldn't complain too much.
  16. one of my buddies from church is a big, huge usc fan. his daughter is in one of my 7th grade classes this year, and she's a hoot. she likes to sit in her seat and flash the usc victory sign and then laugh. during back to school night he noticed i have an ohio state mini helmet on display in my room. today he showed up and brought me a mini usc helmet. i feel obligated to put it on display somewhere. to further add to this injustice, he has a son in sixth grade, so i'm going to have to keep this helmet on display until his son finishes jr. high. i'd have been okay if it was a ucla helmet.
  17. i didn't even realize the season had started. way to promote your product, AFL!
  18. i think it was more a case of letting the legal process play out for voynov before making a decision, whereas with richards they just simply wanted to get out from under such a big contract for such an unproductive player. with richards arrest, it felt like they finally had a way to say good riddance without having to eat all that money. they've been rather quiet about the voynov situation.
  19. it seems that if this kid was offered a uni-sex option and rejected it, then there's a much bigger issue going on (or agenda to be pushed).
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