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Everything posted by Tank

  1. i'm so glad he signed with the yankees. he's been almost a china doll since he left here, plus we ultimately got trout in the deal.
  2. wait, what? arte doesn't want to spend? your honor, i give exhibit A, a mr. josh hamilton who was signed to an insane contract with virtually no competition from other clubs. remember that free agency is a two-way street. the team has to pursue who it wants, but those players also have to want to come here and play (see teixera, mark). it's not only a matter of offering the most money.
  3. was cespedes the cuban player that made a workout video showing how high he could jump? that was hilarious.
  4. my u-verse internet service has been fine. no complaints about it at all. maybe the texas version is just crappy.
  5. OSU would have destroyed the beach, and you can take it to the bank!
  6. you're mentioning street, freese and ianetta like they're a drain on the angels finances. i would strongly disagree with that.
  7. very doubtful he'll win, but he should at least be in the conversation. easy to see his value to the mets, but mvp voters still want to talk about who is the best player in the league, not the one who made the most difference.
  8. Shoot, who was that guy? All this time I thought it was you. Lol.
  9. "Hey Millie, it's time to think about the photo for your album cover. Any ideas?" "Yeah, baby. I want to sit on the toilet and take a dump while holding one of my shoes. It'll be bangin'!" "Okay, I'll call the photographer."
  10. It won't work well with our own congress, either.
  11. let's see how it plays out. there are always surprises from teams you didn't expect. i certainly hope they run the table, but you never know.
  12. overpopulation is not a problem? sorry juan, you lost me on that one.
  13. on good morning america, blake said he thought it was a college friend that was trying to tackle him. i thought cops always had to identify themselves, no?
  14. you got it. i remember meeting you and your family. i thought it was at tempe diablo stadium and was right around the time you got that big tattoo on your leg. wherever it was, it's been too long. need to meet up again sometime.
  15. hope you're good at bare-knuckled fisticuffs.
  16. i'm still not sure why anyone wants to fire the manager when he's been given some really lousy players to put on the field.
  17. if/when trump starts unveiling his plans, a lot of his support is going to disappear. his plans right seem to be to fix immigration, rename mount mckinley, and say stupid things about other people. shouldn't be too much longer until his base realizes the emperor has no clothes.
  18. tell payton manning i said "hey".
  19. i don't think ohio state will have a walk through for their schedule. big 10 teams play tough football. their schedule will definitely look better and give them a little more street cred if they're not playing idaho and hawaii every year.
  20. Thu Sep 10 New England (-7) Sun Sep 13 Carolina (+3) New York Jets (-3) Green Bay (-6.5) Indianapolis (-2.5) Kansas City (+1) Miami (-3.5) Seattle (-4) San Diego (-3) Arizona (-2.5) Denver (-4.5) Cincinnati (-3.5) Tampa Bay (-3) Dallas (-6) Mon Sep 14 Atlanta (+3) San Francisco (+2.5)
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