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Everything posted by Tank

  1. Douchebag vs. blowhard Hard to pick a side in this battle.
  2. Well said, cat. It seems we've stifled a lot of creativity in order to placate the heavy hitters throwing all their bribes at politicians so they can continue to manipulate certain markets.
  3. They're only going to win three games this season, so maybe they should space them out a bit more.
  4. The emperor has no clothes. He's turning into the Donald Trump of the NFL.
  5. This kid is pretty darn amazing. His long and medium distance putting skills are insane. He deserves all the accolades he's getting. Spieth, Fowler and Day really made this a fun season to watch. I hope it's the start of a good long run. Presidents Cup starts in a couple of weeks. Should be fun.
  6. Interesting. First I've ever heard of it. That's not what I believe. I should have phrased it differently to say if you believe there is good then it stands to reason that you must also believe that evil exists. Does that make more sense? And I wholeheartedly agree that humans have free choice.
  7. i've been watching bits and pieces of the game thinking "wow, glen is sure going to have a lot to complain about today." they look awful. can't seem to get out of their own way.
  8. clearly, you need to give bobby jindal a second look. he's moving up in the republican polls! (mostly because candidates ahead of him are dropping out)
  9. Bernard Francis Law (born November 4, 1931) is an American cardinal of the Roman Catholic Church. He is the Archbishop emeritus of Boston, a member of the Roman Curia, former archpriest of the Basilica di Santa Maria Maggiore, and titular Cardinal Priest of Santa Susanna, the American Catholic church in Rome. i think i know what the problem is.
  10. no doubt. it's pretty much a home game for them.
  11. tim russert was THE MAN. when he died, they gave the gig to david gregory and he was a tool. then they gave it to chuck todd and he's a douche. i started watching george stephanopolous but he's not on the show every week. angry eyebrows martha raddage hosts quite often. she's okay, sometimes. i like their round table discussions.
  12. "They push customers to save energy," Espinoza said. "When we go the extra mile to get solar panels, then they want to add these fees. It's just not right." i get that the utility companies need to make money, but there's got to be a more reasonable solution here. solar customers not produce enough energy to run their own house, but excess energy is sold back to edison (or whoever) for them to use. that kind of practice should be encourage, not penalized. work out a solution for this, people, not a penalty.
  13. you'd think they'd be doing everything possible to encourage the use of solar power. idiots.
  14. you're not a person of faith from what you've said, so your response comes from what you believe, just as mine comes from what i believe. both of us are on shaky ground when it comes to looking for definitive, irrefutable, concrete evidence to support our viewpoint. because of my belief in a divine God, i also believe that there is a devil. i believe that is part of the balance that exists throughout the earth (where there is good there is also bad, where there is heat there is also cold, etc.). because of that belief, and because of the things i believe that satan is capable of doing, i have no problem with the idea that a theory like evolution could have been suggested to darwin by satan in some form. i believe that because i think one of satan's primary purposes is to cause humans to doubt God and who He is. that's why i think there's such a great divide between science and faith. i have believed for a long time that science should confirm the existence of God, not question it. that science is used by so many as a way of doubting God's existence, i believe, can be directly attributed to the work of satan to discredit Him.
  15. should i try to do some more? 25 or 6 to 4. i have no idea what those numbers represent, anyone know?
  16. it's weird to think that in just about six weeks from now, the sun will be going down 90 minutes earlier and the weather will have (hopefully) dropped a good 25 degrees.
  17. watched the series debut of limitless this week, about the guy who takes some pill that gives him super mental abilities. i liked it and will watch it again.
  18. wasn't ucla #9 last week? how did they drop a spot after a big win?
  19. I'd love to see Hilary work at a DMV for her next job.
  20. Good idea to get some practice in. Not sure if I like the idea yet.
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