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Everything posted by Tank

  1. i think we need to take with us to TP adams' house so he can understand the point of vandalism. how's next sunday night for everybody?
  2. WHERE ARE JESSE AND AL?!? this is where they're REALLY needed, but those two are so *&^$*& silent. it makes no sense that they won't speak up about the senseless killings in chicago. absolutely none.
  3. was surprised to hear this last night. something about the design of the car being faulty that prevented her dad from escaping. well, duh, sweetheart, the car was wrapped around a tree it slammed into doing twice the speed limit. were you expecting it to just bounce? idiot lawsuit. hope she loses in a big way.
  4. i buy my razors at target. i'm currently using the gillette mach 5. a five pack of blades is about $16 and will last me for several months. i don't change my blades very often even though i shave 3-4 times per week.
  5. the pop-up ad on the top of this page on the original post from YK is from . . . the dollar shave club. don't know how you worked that out, yk, but well done.
  6. another solid week and a good end to the season. thanks for whoever put the league together, and thanks for those of you who played. until januay, boys.
  7. i'm not really sure what to make of your answer. extreme muslims continue to be a threat around the world (al qaeda and ISIS included) the russians are flexing their muscles again. the drug cartels are as big a problem as always. syria. the chinese. iran. the taliban. domestic terrorists. the world is very dangerous, regardless of which stories the news chooses to cover.
  8. wow, that's every bit as bush league as the two kids that tackled the ref.
  9. are you only reading the local news again, nate? yikes.
  10. i think the lack of integration by the refugees doesn't get enough attention. if you look at what's happening in europe, you see exactly this with the muslims that have moved in. they don't want to assimilate; they want the host country to change to their way of thinking or else.
  11. that's because most of them are already here. boo-ya!!
  12. have you seen a copy of the letter she wrote? ha ha. she was coached very well.
  13. isn't this the way reagan did it? it seemed to work out pretty decently for most people. he also reformed big portions of the tax code. /in before someone screams voodoo economics or trickle down economics
  14. "No family will have to pay the death tax. You earned and saved that money for your family, not the government. You paid taxes on it when you earned it." amen and amen.
  15. haven't read the article yet, but safe money says it was a jr. high student.
  16. correct me if i'm wrong, but i thought that i saw at halftime randle had 10 rushes for 92 yards, but finished the game with 14 for 88. is that accurate?
  17. last night they showed a stat about how peyton performs taking the snap under center, taking it in the shotgun, and taking it in the pistol. i found myself going the pistol?? anyone got an answer?
  18. Now I'm in the mood for endless salad and breadsticks.
  19. So what you're saying is that she positioned HP to make an incredible comeback. Now THATS leadership!
  20. Let's hope it doesn't come down to these two choices.
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