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Everything posted by Tank

  1. In my house we prefer to say that we are going in One Direction. Fire away, haters!
  2. I think you have to call Tampa and see what the asking price is. I'd rather have Longoria over Freese.
  3. I had no idea a runner could keep going on a walk. Thought it was like a dead ball. Good on Murphy for such a heads up play.
  4. Good luck finding one of those. That man was all teeth.
  5. What a brilliant quote! Tho it's probably fake. It sounds more like something John Kerry would say.
  6. This is true. It's like thinking that victors mom doesn't have any new tricks up her sleeve.
  7. Flu shots are usually pretty useless for me, but I got one last year after my surgery because my doc thought it'd be helpful. I wish I could find a magical way to keep sick kids home from school. Maybe if I can successfully tackle that, then I can go for the ultimate challenge: teaching Jr. High boys how to flush a urinal.
  8. Me too. Rounded out my education with a variety of things. Won't say I liked or needed every class but I'm glad for the exposure.
  9. if she can afford to eat h'or doerves in manhatten social gatherings, she ought to be able to afford healthcare insurance.
  10. which pizza place in chicago is your favorite?
  11. maybe you're more asian that any of us gave you credit for. after 12 days i already have to trim mine.
  12. that was such a great movie. "lady, you are hell and gone from cartagena."
  13. interesting. so how long have you been taking the herbal viagra?
  14. i think nate stopped by 7-11 this morning and bought a super double big gulp. sadly, his cup is only half full.
  15. i graduated with a social studies degree, bub. next time i see you, you're dead.
  16. call your attorney and have him start working on the lawsuit. you should be entitled to millions if you get the flu.
  17. there are days i wouldn't mind having one of those rear-mounted machine guns in my rig.
  18. the temps are fine today, but the humidity sucks.
  19. once again, i find it embarrassing for me as an american that i even know who the kardashians are. i don't think there's a family alive that has contributed less to society while gaining more notoriety. here's hoping lamar somehow pulls through and gets the help he needs, and can then get as far away as humanly possible from this crappy family.
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