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Everything posted by Tank

  1. If only the repubs could be as brilliant, fair, and wonderful as the dems. maybe bernie "free college for everyone!" sanders can help out.
  2. The Money Pit was fun. So was Splash.
  3. Gravity was as stunning visually as any movie I can remember. I may not have liked parts of the story, but my eyes were never bored.
  4. I like when guys who are career politicians in Washington talk about how they plan to change the culture in Washington.
  5. during the republican debate tonight, one of the candidates was asked about these one-day gambling sites. he (huckabee?) said they need gov't oversight. chris christie said it was unbelievable they were talking about it with the threat of ISIS, financial worries, war, etc. he doesn't think it needs any attention right now.
  6. if they still have papelbum and harper on the team again, black has his work cut out for himself.
  7. saw the last hour. they were awfully nice to each other tonight.
  8. well, you need to do the same with amadeus, too.
  9. a raiders fan that likes woody allen . . . who even knew that was possible.
  10. i hope your accounting for the plumbers - you know, the guys that lay pipe.
  11. i will defend musical theater and great movie musicals until i die. someone has to be the voice of entertainment class around here. i nominate myself.
  12. the last couple years of dexter were tough to get through. friends just turned into a mess.
  13. trout won last year. i think donaldson wins this year.
  14. why don't you just go ahead and move to moscow, you dirty whore communist.
  15. while people may want to have the rams or raiders return, they tend to forget that the average ticket price for an NFL game is significantly higher than it was twenty years ago. i think it's up to over $90 per ticket, on average, throughout the league. i'm not paying that. people also tend to forget that we had a really crappy schedule of games on broadcast tv each sunday because they were obligated to show the home team games to us. but NFL owners will vote in favor of teams relocating because some day it may be their turn, and want to be able to do the same thing.
  16. well, yeah, but you'd only be able to do that once.
  17. "Hey Sully, remember how i promised i'd kill you last? i lied."
  18. i kept hearing david spade's SNL movie reviews where he'd say something like "I liked Avatar better the first time I saw it, when it was called Dances With Wolves." and ocho, that's a spot on analogy, one i thought of as well. anyone know any details about avatar 2 yet?
  19. and you work at INO. no wonder i like you so much (in the most non-gay way possible that one dude can say that to another).
  20. i liked the purple rose of cairo. haven't seen annie hall. anything else of his i've tried to watch was a waste of time.
  21. i see what you did there, and i laughed. but you're still wrong.
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