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Everything posted by Tank

  1. he should have at least asked for the starbucks gift card back.
  2. i knew there was a clint movie i was forgetting. thanks for the reminder of a good film. malkovich was so creepy.
  3. in a curious development, my front lawn is nice and green even though we've cut back watering to just twice a week. got a few small dead spots, but far fewer than i expected. i always figure that our rain is loaded with all kinds of nutrients for plant life.
  4. my uncle refused to wear a seatbelt. claimed it would prevent him from getting out of his car in case there was an accident. glad i never rode anywhere with him.
  5. love carter. his hands are incredible. toffoli now tied for the league lead with 9 goals.
  6. sorry to see this happen. seems like a good kid. ok, cardale jones. you're up again.
  7. we like to do things bigger in glendale. one less maniac driving like butthead on my streets.
  8. sriracha on a hot dog? no thanks. that stuff is liquid fire. we have a bottle in our fridge that my wife bought to mix in some new recipe she tried. i'm pretty sure that bottle will last the rest of my life.
  9. heartbreak ridge all of the dirty harry movies
  10. i'm guessing the architect and the school board were filled with lots of star wars fans when designing this high school.
  11. something something transgender bathrooms something something stickboy.
  12. that signature looks like it was written by an 85 year old with a bit of the shakes.
  13. though maybe i should reconsider and go as a hot dog with ketchup and relish on my buns. wait, that may not sound right.
  14. i don't halloween. haven't in a very long time.
  15. america, where not having 100% support from everyone for everything you like/are/cherish means you're a victim.
  16. well taken, glen. reminds me of when bush 41 was president and people were giving him crap about not liking broccoli but yet loving pork rinds. he said something like "i'm a 61 year old man and i know what i like."
  17. yeah, that would be interesting to watch. hard to imagine him being a broken down man after all the hubris and arrogance he threw around town.
  18. i love a chicago dog, but i'm not a pepper guy, so those get thrown into the nearest trash bin. i don't get why people are so adamant about no ketchup on a hot dog. i like the flavor, but maybe people see it as something a child would do? don't know, don't care, i'm keeping my ketchup. it matches well with the relish. one reason i miss throwbacks is because they had a GREAT all beef hot dog. man, that was tasty.
  19. onions, olives, and pineapple has been my go to. i'm equally good with onions, green peppers, and mushrooms.
  20. so victor's mom is in DC? good for her.
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