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Everything posted by Tank

  1. and that's exactly why Gloria married Jay Pritchett.
  2. this is the first paragraph under #1: As a feminist and a woman, I could never be in a relationship with someone who didn’t feel comfortable talking about patriarchy. In fact, I often joke that my go-to first-date question is “What’s your working definition of ‘oppression?’” if that's the attitude you single guys are encountering on a regular basis, i understand better why you're still single. man, this chick just screams high maintainance.
  3. i was only referencing men's sports, m0nkey.
  4. remove the nervousness by doing your job, mom! this kid's in so much trouble. high school is really going to suck for him, and mom will end up being a huge torch-bearer for victim's rights.
  5. headed to the game tonight with my brother. looking forward to having a hot dog and watching the boys kick columbus' butts.
  6. hate to see the kid go down like that. hope he recovers well and that he can come back and continue to amaze us.
  7. blaming the victim is such a cowardly thing to do. it's too bad that kane's celebrity is making the fans act like dicks. it's understandable she doesn't want to keep pushing on this. i'm sure she's taken quite a beating online and has reached a point where she can't take it anymore.i hope she wasn't in it just to try and get money, and that if there was a crime committed, that somehow justice will be served. if i were part of her inner circle or her family, i'd be greatly concerned about her trying to hurt herself.
  8. thanks for thinking of me. btw, in the future, can you type your responses in alphabetical order? it's easier for me to read them that way while i'm clicking my mouse 103 times. thanks.
  9. emotional distress . . . ha ha . . . think of all the people simers pissed off during his years of writing. he should share this money with them.
  10. throw it in the microwave with some rotel tomatoes and you've got a decent cheese dip.
  11. it's an interesting issue that seems to have solid evidence on both sides. Reports this week show that the polar ice cap has been growing.
  12. AO, iTunes has several of those soundtrack albums available. worth a look. get the ones from NFL films.
  13. no, nando, this is the one that they sell at a variety of places every Christmas. i usually get mine at barnes & noble.
  14. i'm starting to sense that, yes. you can't fight city hall. or chuck.
  15. yes. i'm curious to see if he'll be in next year's calendar, also.
  16. nah, too far for me to drive. maybe i'll call Lyft and see if they can help me.
  17. i think you have to pin some of this one on the father. don't know why the police starting shooting, and maybe they shouldn't have, but this father doesn't sound particularly responsible, either.
  18. and if i had brought it up any earlier, it would have been lost in the haze of the taco bell exec./uber incident. you need to give me some credit for yet again having incredible timing.
  19. he strikes me as a super arrogant prick that's really hard to work with, even though he gets pretty impressive results wherever he goes. i don't think your larry brown comparison is very far off in this case.
  20. i get a calendar every year for my classroom. just changed it to november (Mike Trout!!) and thought i'd sneak a peak at december. it's ernesto frieri. LOLOLOL. guess they printed these a really REALLY long time ago.
  21. given the choice, i'd rather have kept murphy over dejesus (if that was indeed the option). dejesus, imho, doesn't really have a role on this team. and thanks for this article from the OCR.
  22. when a good player is available, it's always worth putting in a phone call to gauge their interest. i'd do that with cueto, even though starting pitching is not our highest priority.
  23. it was one of the very few times in the year when there was regular season games in the NHL, NFL, and NBA, plus a world series game. now forward this on to 10 friends and you'll receive a surprise gift in the mail.
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