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Everything posted by Tank

  1. no, so far everyone is hanging around the free clam dip in sierra room C and talking about whether or not kobe should retire. the bosom entourage is kinda pissed there's no chowda. btw, that old video? that was GMJ in white face.
  2. the most offensive thing to me is that SNL still passes itself off as a comedy. It hasn't been funny or interesting for quite a while.
  3. we put a lot of time and work into nate. thanks for the acknowledgement.
  4. and yet, you're a raiders fan.
  5. I love sea world. If I could find a way to jump in the pool with shamu and not get arrested, I'd have done it years ago. Orcas are not endangered species, and the ones at sea world are treated well (inspite of what the error filled documentary would have you believe). Sorry to see the show end, but hopeful the changes they make will work really well.
  6. Where are my pants, Justin Bieber? It's okay, ALB, we don't judge around here.
  7. shame on you for missing an opportunity to say "you guys can strap on the ol' feed bag."
  8. they'll begin phasing out the killer whale show, and it will no longer run in its current form after 2016. http://ktla.com/2015/11/09/seaworld-to-phase-out-killer-whale-show/
  9. here's the contract i would offer lackey: 3 years/ 30 mil and then i'd load it up with all kinds of performance clauses, both personal accomplishments and team accomplishments. if lackey ends up earning 3/50, good for him, and good for the team (and fine by me).
  10. maybe he has (the pyramids comment will be regurgitated for a long time), but the fact remains, the media acted irresponsibly and deliberately published something that wasn't true. what kind of crappy state of affairs inside their planning sessions causes something like to happen? and the impact this carries is not easily disgarded by people who are looking for reasons not to support someone. al gore created the internet. i can see russia from my house. he was really born in kenya! vast right wing conspiracy. etc. people remember these things, and they kill candidates. if carson burns out, let it be because he did it to himself, not because a magazine with a wide reach deliberately published lies about him.
  11. who hurt you, adam? who made you hate america?
  12. sports - huey lewis and the news we are the world - pretty much everyone (including dan akroyd) steve perry had a solo album that was good. steve winwood had some good tunes, also.
  13. our bigger concern should be whether or not the Sierra's are getting adequate snowfall.
  14. no worries. eppler's not much into fine dining. got the early bird special at denny's (grilled cheese and tomato soup). the chisox delegation is a few tables from us and they were arguing with the server about their 'moons over my hammy' order. buncha weirdo's, those chicago guys. want to put hot peppers over everything. freidman says you'll get your Coneheads DVD back once you return his Encino Man graphic novel.
  15. give utley a call and see what he's looking for in salary and years. never hurts to kick the tires on a guy like him.
  16. the laughter would be uncontrollable if lackey signed with the phillies.
  17. i'd love to add lackey to our stable of young pitchers.
  18. maybe john could talk to rams' owner stan groenke about building a nice new home on his inglewood property.
  19. you just . . . wait for it . . . craig'd!!! a horse is a horse of course of course
  20. he's still effective. plus he knows where all the good fried chicken places are located.
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