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Everything posted by Tank

  1. dry and windy today. my hands look like sandpaper.
  2. yeah, i thought about that too. LOL NFL. heard a brief bit from dan patrick this morning as i was pulling into work. apparently they've done something completely abominable to the jaguars uniforms. they're some kind of puky looking tan and they were trying to come up with names for the color. they had stuff like "#1 overall pick tan" and "3 and out brown" and some other clever ones. they're wearing them this sunday in london and it should be pretty fugly.
  3. bernier, jones, and now enroth . . . we've been blessed with three very good quality backups in recent years.
  4. this is a well-deserved honor for nick. when he first switched to radio play by play, i was really skeptical. he settled in nicely and does a terrific job night in night out. back in 98 my wife and i were staying at a hotel in san jose and had tix to see the sharks v. kings that night. i went to the lobby to check in, and lo and behold, it's the Kings! they were just checking out and headed over to the arena. so i'm at the desk checking in, and there's nick and bob. it was trade deadline day and nick had a couple of pages of the deals made. i asked him if the Kings had made any moves. he said no, then asked if i wanted to read through the list. sure do! that was a pretty nice moment to share with him. during the closing moments of game 6 in '12, i muted the nbcsn broadcast and turned on my radio to hear nick make the call. "After 45 years, the Kings can wear their crowns!!" It was the perfect thing to say.
  5. i hope the guy with the white nikes with the blue swoosh finds your executive washroom after a bowl full of hard boiled eggs and a full head of cauliflower with cheese.
  6. i don't keep close tabs on our minor league guys, but even i understand you don't trade your TWO best pitching prospects in a deal like this. hope this works out . . .
  7. SJW think everyone should get a non-descript, non-gender, non-threatening participation trophy for life.
  8. i think Israel is probably pretty well prepared to handle this fight, but if they get involved, I imagine we'll be working closely with them. WWIII? maybe. The dominoes are lining up for it.
  9. only 2 stars? ha, i laugh at you. i only eat at 3 star michelin places, like mimi's cafe.
  10. two observations . . . 1. you complain a lot. 2. you don't seem to have much of a sense of humor. fwiw.
  11. i'm shocked at the lack of love here for Was, Not Was. shocked!
  12. i'm wondering why this case ended up in front of a judge. or was this the final step in the adoption process?
  13. america will turn into sgt. schultz ("i know nuthink!"). i'm sure only the SJWs on college campuses everywhere will be pissed that the russians aren't being humanitarian to them.
  14. SJW have managed to suck the joy out of life by being offended by pretty much everything.
  15. trump didn't win. he announced he wanted to deport all illegal immigrants, and some of the other candidates took him to the woodshed because of it.
  16. What makes you think we'd only have to pay 96 mil?
  17. my computer keeps jumping to go.goadsvs.com tonight. anyone else having this problem? it's happened over 20 times so far in less than fifteen minutes.
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