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Everything posted by Tank

  1. Defending ourselves sometimes requires us to take the fight to them in their yard.
  2. When they can navigate the streets of Glendale, I'll believe you. Until then, no.
  3. Everyone's big fear is soft target places like concert venues and sports arenas. You can increase security to a degree, but imagine being at Staples Center or The Big A for a game and someone goes off. Or the Colisseum or Rose Bowl . . .
  4. We haven't been fighting ISIS long enough to create more volatility. Also, this is a relatively new group, not a centuries old tribe (even though their ideas are centuries old). No, this time it's a different narrative. We're not trying to govern; we're trying to stop a murderous gang from continuing to kill their way through the region. I'm telling you, if they have success in the ME and Europe, they're coming here next.
  5. There is a fundamental difference in fighting ISIS, however, namely that they aren't a country we're trying to invade or set up a new leader. It's a belief that is trampling through the ME and killing ruthlessly, and we're trying to eradicate them. That doesn't seem different to either of you then invading Iraq or Afghanistan? I see a lot of parallels between ISIS and Hitler. Seems kind of obvious to me, in fact.
  6. gotta tell you, kurt, i liked previous years better where we just picked winners. i'm not a fan of using the point spread. i know others like it, but i'd prefer not to use it, fwiw.
  7. who's the genius that's signing off on this crap? looks exactly like yesterday's chili.
  8. plagiarism is everywhere. here's something i found: I wish they all could be California girls. - The Beach Boys I wish they all could be California girls. - David Lee Roth
  9. You might have a better argument against action if it was contained to one country. However, that isn't the case here. It's spreading well outside the initial borders of the new caliphate and growing, and now it involves countries that have complex relationships and treaties and alliances. Sitting around and doing nothing is a very poor choice.
  10. not ready to call them terrible just yet, but recently watched the lethal weapon movies. they have not aged well. i think they get an honorable mention in this thread.
  11. that lockerroom is a mess. witten should head to greener pastures asap.
  12. i think retailers need to learn not to put so many of their eggs into one (Christmas) basket.
  13. bwahahahaha! that'd be awesome.
  14. haven't seen the news. did something happen there today?
  15. let's hope that eppler improves enough in his future trades that any further comparisons are unnecessary and unwarranted.
  16. thank you for showing us that orlando cabrerra could be capably replaced. thank you also for showing us that it's indeed possible to strike out swinging on a pitch that hits you in the jewels . . . twice.
  17. nervously waiting to hear that we've traded trout for two guys who can each hit 17 homers, drive in 50 runs, and steal 6 bases.
  18. self-driving cars are going to have a very short existence. there are just way too many human factors in the equation of driving in large, metropolitan areas.
  19. kindergarten cop introduced us to penelope anne miller. big thumbs up on that one.
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