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Everything posted by Tank

  1. Outside of oil, I can't name one single thing that people in the Middle East produce. Well, maybe hummus, but that's it.
  2. Wrong. It's about making sure you know how to do the work and that you aren't just copying down someone else's answers.
  3. correct. 1910. the check is in the mail.
  4. it's moved terribly slowly for me. that's my main objection.
  5. The Martian 15/10 this is as good a movie as i can remember seeing. had me hooked the whole time. it's a much better space rescue movie than gravity. the story is compelling, the dialogue is good, and matt damon is completely convincing in his role. there's enough gadgetry stuff for anyone, and the problem solving issues are handled very, very well. it's long, but the time flew by for me. would gladly watch this one again.
  6. i've got a map all ready for the pilots to use. just waiting for the go signal.
  7. had a kid cheat in one my history classes once by keeping her textbook open but putting it on the floor, hoping no one would notice. A for effort on that one. had other kids cheat on a test by writing down answers on long strips of paper and hiding them in the sleeves of their jackets, hoping i wouldn't notice. a couple of them left behind their answers strips and one of the kids informed us of what happened. this happened on a day i was absent, so the sub missed it. the reason they cheated? so they could get a high enough grade to be inducted into national junior honor society.
  8. was dishonest once in college. it was a chemistry class and we were taking it in an auditorium with terraced seating. i could see answers from the girl in front of me and wrote down a few of her choices. i felt so guilty afterwards that i had done that. never did it again.
  9. speaking as a very, very casual fan, i don't think one loss is going to doom rousey. she's very personable and the camera and the audience likes her quite a bit. besides, depending on how scripted any of this may be, having a rematch generates a ton of interest to see if she can regain her title or if the knockout just happened to be a fluke.
  10. i think you're wrong about this one. i've got them playing Tulane in the Hometown Buffet All You Can Eat Bowl.
  11. they're playing well. let's hope they keep it up for the long haul. i like that Lucic is starting to get more involved in scoring. would still like to see him be more of an agitator, like he was in boston. of course, it's possible that sutter has told him not to play that way.
  12. Who was the first US President to toss out a ceremonial first pitch at a baseball game?
  13. i wonder how SJW feel about thanksgiving, pilgrims, indians, and football games. and i'm guessing black friday (what an insulting term!!) is the opposite of a holiday for them.
  14. ben franklin was so gangster, he was chuck norris before chuck norris was chuck norris.
  15. shush, you! btw, i sure hope chuck hurries up with the sarcasm font. we could really use it around here.
  16. i've been needing a reason to buy a new itunes card. this video is all the inspiration i needed. thanks!
  17. i don't think the first one really ended, but i can see it expanding here pretty quickly, inspite of barry's assurances this morning that it won't. on my car radio during lunch i heard the knx people say something about how ISIS gets their money. they've been hijacking oil trucks and are bringing in an average of a million dollars a day to fund their activities.
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