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Everything posted by Tank

  1. this is the grown up equivalent of me telling my 7th graders not to bounce their (basket) balls outside my door.
  2. who wore it better, caitlyn jenner or hilary? well done.
  3. yesterday afternoon my daughter used the phrase "cultural appropriation" in our conversation, saying that some of her instagram friends were upset with a white girl in some band that got dreadlocks. we talked about what a load of absolute pure crap that phrase is (she already realized that). not sure how it fits into this thread, but i wanted to include it.
  4. "At Occidental College, students staged a sit-in and demanded that the college's president resign, citing racial injustice, and a rally was also held at Loyola Marymount University." barry's alma mater getting funky, too (occidental). i can't seem to find any stories detailing how racism has now ended at mizzou because they forced the president out. can someone help me find them?
  5. “WE DEMAND the university administration publicly acknowledge the racist legacy of Woodrow Wilson and how he impacted campus policy and culture,” the students’ demands say. what did wilson do that was racist? and why would it still be an issue today, almost a hundred years later?
  6. diehard 4 john mcclain and that kid that did the apple commercials will take care of us.
  7. i'm calling bull on this being a real word.
  8. Well, clearly you haven't been paying attention to our moron-in-chief when says we're just scared of women and orphans.
  9. Off topic- my neighbor was responsible for the guidance system on the mx missile.
  10. LOL. that's completely backwards. and of course, once hired, it'll be nearly impossible to fire them, won't it?
  11. an 11 year old girl? what kind of vicious evil mind would conceive of even asking her to help? wow, that's clearly a new low.
  12. so glad our president and governor have promised really stringent vetting of these refugees. i'm sure gov. moonbeam has already been on the phone with the damascus DMV.
  13. wow, that really blows. i'd bet if you dug deep enough you'd probably find some other students that were screwed over by the same professor and dean. it's doubtful you were the first. did you ever get into law school inspite of this?
  14. i completely agree with you about how easy it is to get here. this humanitarian effort seems like he's swinging the door open a lot wider than is comfortably necessary, and it troubles me that he treats it like we're the idiots for thinking that it might somehow go wrong. his leadership in this issue makes him look like a complete boob.
  15. our prez came out this morning and said how republicans have politicized his plans for admitting syrian refugees, saying they're scared of women and orphans. what a stupid thing for this president to say. it's like he thinks everyone who is a refugee is completely above board. i'm guessing wherever he's planning to retire to will not have syrian refugees within 500 miles.
  16. charlie sheen's early work in movies was decent.
  17. LOL. yep, that's aw.com. i have a political cartoon in my files that shows two candidates arguing. the first guy says "my plan will save us $2 billion dollars!" while the second guy says "your plan will increase spending by $3 billion!" It reminds me very much of us on this board.
  18. right. no one likes sitting there, so why not do something to make the experience a little better, like making the middle seat a wider seat? they're doing other things to enhance the experience.
  19. surprised to read that he's still only 33.
  20. a lot of them seem to excel at putting protective batting devices on their forearms and collecting helmets and gloves.
  21. yeah, i think we all did. he was fun to watch. mick the quick . . . always looked like he was about to fall asleep.
  22. no aybar and no disarcina at third next year? i think we just saved about 60-70 runs/outs.
  23. wow, that was a great ending! Lucic with a goal in his fourth straight game. i really like the 3 on 3 OT format. glad to see we actually won a shootout (didn't have too many of those last year).
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