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Everything posted by Tank

  1. while i can see some advantages to having a professional jury pool, the biggest problem is having an impartial group. any of you who have witnessed voire dire know there are always a lot of people booted because they're perceived to have some kind of bias.
  2. he's a raiders fan. kind of goes without saying, blarg.
  3. The hate here for ianetta is just silly. Some of you are reaching new lows, which didn't seem possible.
  4. I'm guessing there have been plenty of times where Johnny Football pushed the boundaries and the team told him to knock it off, but he wouldn't, and this is just one more log on his fire. I think Manziel is out of football within two years.
  5. This echoes my feelings, too. Al and Jesse have every reason to be upset about white cops shooting black kids. But are they also upset about black kids killing black kids? Are they doing anything to address the abundant number of senseless deaths within the black community by its own members? It sure doesn't seem like it, and that makes a lot of their work suspicious.
  6. There's a black guy in the back. In order for diversity to be achieved, he needs to move up to the front.
  7. Well, this just became more tragic somehow. And this dumb woman needs to learn about birth control and parenting classes in a hurry.
  8. nice, i like this move. soto was an all star with the cubs.
  9. reports are the turks gave ten warnings in nine minutes.
  10. i'd like some of the lincoln bandages for school.
  11. seen on Facebook tonight: "If you ever feel powerless, just remember that a single one of your pubic hairs can shut down an entire restaurant."
  12. swanson sounds like he's about one off ramp away from the fine folk at westboro baptist church.
  13. 2.69 plus a car wash today. 2.89 without the car wash.
  14. well, nate, if they believe he has an alcohol problem, it might violate something in his contract, especially since he already went to rehab.
  15. “There’s certainly a providential irony here,” Swanson said of the fact that California rock band Eagles of Death Metal reportedly played “ ” as terrorists began firing AK-47s into the crowd. “They went from singing about the devil to meeting the devil face-to-face.”“When you get a wake-up call like what happened at France’s 9/11 last Friday night at the concert,” he said, “I think we all need to pay attention to what’s happening: This is a message from God. God is shooting a shot across the bow and we better be paying attention to this." there's a real big problem with what he says here, namely that we shake our heads in disbelief that the radicals jihadists think they have a mandate from allah to kill all infidels, while christians serve a God of love. and then this clown says our God of love is looking to kill the infidels. this isn't what the bible says, not at all.
  16. i think this is well said: "On the television program, which explains this is the notion of an America controlled by Hitler, you get that context," New York Regional Director Evan Bernstein told FOX11. "On the train, seeing the American flag paired with a Nazi symbol is viscerally offensive because there is no context as to what it means."
  17. agreed, but now it gives authorization for the syrians and russians to start shooting at any american planes they spot, which may have been one of their goals all along but assad didn't have enough fire power to carry it out until the russians jumped on board. honestly, the more i think about it, the more i see the potential for WWIII breaking out.
  18. i remember video of people in the middle east celebrating, also. never heard a whisper about people in the US celebrating any of this, and would've been pretty pissed off at even the idea of such a thing.
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