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Everything posted by Tank

  1. good, because no man can tame me. p.s. my wife told me to say that.
  2. i think 'blouse full of goodies' will be the name of my new band.
  3. WE DEMAND that UCSB provide an additional stipend to campus police officers to patrol campus grounds and the Isla Vista community in an effort to more effectively discover and subsequently root out and punish any and all forms of speech that are deemed offensive to students of Europe@n descent, including but not limited to: "Cracker," "Stupid white people"; "OMG, you are so white"; "Where are you from?"; "No, I mean like what part of Europe?"; "Wow, I bet you get sunburned really easily!"; "you wouldn't understand because you're white"; "don't eat this; it's too spicy for you"; "honky (and any variants thereof)"; and so forth. Currently, campus police officers are simply not equipped to provide UCSB white students a safe space. Saying any of the things listed above should merit immediate expulsion and arrest in order to effectively maintain a s@fe space.
  4. so apparently nate's front door swings both ways. good to know.
  5. we'd obviously have to have some kind of standard to meet on this.
  6. i guess i'm thinking of people who are being treated for things like PTSD or schizophrenia or are bipolar, as well as those being treated with medication.
  7. i'm one of those who also wonders if any of the proposals would have prevented some of these shootings, and honestly, i don't have an answer. it seems like plenty of these shootings have related to people who were off-balance somehow. we need to find a way to address that. maybe my licensing ideas will help, maybe not. maybe improving mental health services will help - it certainly can't hurt.
  8. - a license is needed to purchase and keep a gun. the license must be renewed every 12-24 months. - gun safety classes must be attended and passed before a license is issued, and must be renewed every 5 years. this will affect the length of the waiting period to get your gun, but that will simply have to be part of the price for the privilege. - limit on the size of magazines - no military style weapons (and a clear definition of what constitutes a military type weapon) - close the gun show loophole for purchasing weapons - guns must be locked up at home - aggressive efforts to remove illegally acquired guns - more aggressive mental health screening, and no license granted to anyone with mental health issues, past or current
  9. while eating lunch with my co-worker today, we started talking about the shooting. gun control came up, and little conservative christian that she is, said that the gov't's goal is to remove guns from all of us so that they can control us. i was surprised to hear this from her.
  10. you can never go wrong with a nice big tube of colgate toothpaste or a big bottle of mouthwash.
  11. i hope it actually starts giving us some rain soon. otherwise this el nino is going to be like adam on prom night - all talk, no action, and a two dollar condom that he's had in his wallet since sixth grade decaying by the minute.
  12. same exact happened to one of my former students. he turned it down.
  13. sorry, lawrence, but that's a nazi tactic. can't use it.
  14. It's equivalent to those who think the first hot day of spring/summer means global warming is blowing up.
  15. And how come all of the t-shirts are white??
  16. We're not too happy with Assads human rights record, either, though I don't know how much of that is in play right now.
  17. If guns were used in that way, we'd have much different conversations around here. Sadly, this has nothing to do how most people use them today. And your suggestion about if cops have them then why can't we is about as fatalistic and dangerous as it can be.
  18. Friend of mine was evacuated to the golf course. She's fine. Another friend takes his autistic son to the site where the shooting happened. They weren't there today, thank goodness.
  19. someone just named mad max fury road the best movie of 2015.
  20. we used to have a yearly faculty Christmas party. someone brought an old bicycle seat for the white elephant exchange. it went over like gangbusters. without anyone saying so, it got rewrapped year after year after year and became a source of great hilarity. i once gave a small box of cigars and a lighter. our principal ended up getting it, but she didn't seem to get the joke. (for those who don't know, the members of my church don't believe in using tobacco, and i thought this would be a funny/ironic gift. boy was i wrong.)
  21. i have two weeks at christmas break. give me a call.
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