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Everything posted by Tank

  1. No because Lackey is with the Cubs now. The good news is that Mesa is pretty close to Tempe.
  2. Kingsman 2 is on the way. I'd forgotten about the first one. It was a good movie.
  3. you'll probably need the economy size 55 gallon drum from costco.
  4. looks like the cubs have said eff it, let's get 'r done. good for them.
  5. that depends on how many you tossed in there.
  6. ooh, boy, now we're talking quality cinema!!
  7. that's a very powerful clip. thanks for including it. i think the last time i felt that way was probably during reagan's presidency. things have slid downhill quite a bit since then. i no longer feel like government has my best interests at heart.
  8. it really needs to start here with the fact that not everyone pays their fare share. it puts a difficult burden on those in the middle to make up for it. last year someone here showed us a stat that something like 48% of all households don't pay taxes. that needs to be fixed right away. they could always abandon the income tax and just apply it as a sales tax. whatever will help people to have more of their own money is a good thing.
  9. i'm reporting this as a micro-aggression to the local safe space police at UC Irvine.
  10. i'm a little offended you don't remember me. signed, lee hacksaw hamilton
  11. thunder and rain right now in glendale, just as school's about to end. pick up time is always more fun when it's wet outsie.
  12. i did the same thing. come on over, i'll pop some corn.
  13. Ha, I, too, have a former student named Sevyn.
  14. Katerina will always hold a special place in my heart.
  15. The Martian. Might be the best movie I've seen in the last five years.
  16. people are complete morons when using escalators or elevators in public places.
  17. two future governors in that movie. who'd have thought that even remotely possible?
  18. i think if it were a guerilla type conflict, something like red dawn, citizens would stand a fighting chance. i think once the military busted out their air power, the game would be over pretty quickly.
  19. do you feel secure? do you have any concerns about the interests of big contributors in washington works in your favor? do you feel comfortable that gov't has acquired massive amounts of info about you for as yet unknown reasons? do you really feel like gov't is working for your's and the country's best interests? while there are areas where we're doing well, look at all of the uncertainty around the country. we're working harder than ever to bring about racial equality and yet there seems to be more cases of racial injustice. so many people want everyone to arm themselves so we can prevent crime before the racist cops show up to unnecessarily shoot some innocent black kid. the gov't has eavesdropped on us and then got pissed when edward snowden blew their cover. maybe i'm getting more paranoid as i get older, and maybe i'm not, but my level of confidence and trust in our current gov't is at an all-time low. voting hilary into office won't do anything to alleviate this growing knot in my stomach.
  20. Something else that needs fixing. Good call. Is it possible to have safety netting extend straight out towards the field, like something they have on aircraft carriers?
  21. Some of those line drives into the seats could easily be deadly. This is a good move (and it's the right thing to do).
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