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Everything posted by Tank

  1. good luck. we'll never forget ol' what's his name.
  2. my wife has a cousin who went to medical school via the air force. had to spend his summer in biloxi at some base. they worked him so hard that he only finished second in the base racquetball tournament.
  3. throw the book at this kid. whoever let that crappy affluenza defense be used owes it to the families of the people he killed to lock up this jerk.
  4. should've just told him it's buried in the snow in nate's yard, and he'll have to wait until spring to see it.
  5. translation: glen was dancing in his underwear in the stock room. again.
  6. i'm hoping tickets on stub hub are under $1 again this coming year. still may not be enough to make me want to watch this team next year, however. i hope they find a way to win.
  7. so just to be clear, we're all getting a new sports car from arte, right?
  8. this really surprises me. i had no idea barry's approval rating was that high.
  9. irony: signing a petition to the gov't that would take away your right to petition the gov't.
  10. i'm trying to imagine the conversation between this guy and his attorney. "hey stan, i've got an idea on a defense strategy. check this out - we'll argue that you just accidentally fell right into her, hitting the bullseye so to speak, and therefore it wasn't really rape." "ha ha, no way. you couldn't get a jury to believe that!" "oh yeah? i'm so good i can sell ice to an eskimo. just watch!" "okay, irving, you're the expert. let's run with that."
  11. yk, i don't know what language you used, but for some reason i can't read the middle paragraph on your post. is that some ancient language or perhaps a computer language? whatever it is, i felt quite sad that i was left out of being able to read your kind words. you know, i try really hard and sometimes i make mistakes, but dammit, i'm a human and i deserve to be treated the same as everyone else! i work my fingers to the bone every day and just want a little recognition for my contributions. but now i'm left out, again, like when you guys invited me to the aw.com first annual steak, beer, and tamales event, and i just had to sit off to the side by my poor lonesome while the rest of you gathered around blarg at the grill and told stories and laughed and had fun. i couldn't help but feel like all you were laughing at me, especially when mancini would point at me and double over clutching his stomach. i felt so alone that day, and am thankful we didn't hold that event on a cliff overlooking the sea. but you know what? i'm a fighter, and i'm not going to let you drag me down! no way!! you know why? i'll tell you why:
  12. this is true. i counted the votes twice just be sure.
  13. oh great, you just posted my PIN. thanks a lot, jerk.
  14. i can't imagine you'd get another steak after blowing up like to your wife.
  15. how convenient that she was sleeping with her legs wide open. and good on you, buddy, for hitting a hole in one as you fell. that's a tricky one to pull off.
  16. it was a secret ballot. you finished second. sorry.
  17. we prefer to call it borrowing against the cafeteria's future.
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