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Everything posted by Tank

  1. you and i are looking at this from two different angles. i'm looking at it as what kind of salary a teacher is paid for being a classroom instructor. you're looking at it from what kinds of supplementary things can teachers do to make more money. not quite the same thing.
  2. i hope that same history teacher you had, adam, didn't also teach driver's training.
  3. Give the Muslims have a tax rate of about 80% on their income until they assimilate.
  4. okay, we got it straightened out. i still think it all depends on volume and that's going to depend on location.
  5. haven't heard anyone discuss this publicly, or maybe i've just missed it, but i wonder how much of a plan there might be to integrate the muslim culture into every country, slowly but surely, and establish a strong foothold there for purposes yet unknown. that may sound a little paranoid, but the lack of assimilation is a huge concern and it raises important questions.
  6. one of the more interesting classes i took for my masters was legal issues in education. completely fascinated by the class and the content. wouldn't mind taking more law classes, but not really interested in being an attorney.
  7. if a doctor's office has four doctors working in it, then the volume of patients is likely to be higher than an office with only one doctor in it. i feel like i'm stating the obvious here.
  8. ha, got caught thinking of 'roger and me' and 'michael moore' at the same time. roger moore is fine; michael moore is a doosh.
  9. i'm watching the amazing race from this season. i guess i'm binge watching it as i watched three of the episodes last night.
  10. i'm not sure where you're getting your info from, but i'm very suspicious about this. high paid attorneys can make upwards of seven figures. there isn't a teacher alive who can come close to that. in fact, i don't know of nor have i ever heard of any classroom teacher that even makes 100k.
  11. one of my college buddies was hired during his senior year of law school at usc. during the summer after he graduated, he began his 'employment', which consisted of taking in-house classes in preparation to pass the bar. during that summer period he was being paid. the best part? they gave the new associates in the new york office a raise, so they firm did the same thing for the LA associates. without stepping into a courtroom or even consulting with a client, his starting salary went up to $80k. that was in 1984.
  12. SARAH PALIN!!! just seeing if i can lure LTH out of the weeds.
  13. i would imagine the volume of patients has a great deal to do with how many people work in the office. i'm sure a doctor in glendale is likely to see more patients daily/weekly/monthly than a doctor in mequon, wisconsin, for instance.
  14. they get a say when they're old enough to vote, just like the rest of us. i don't think this is a significant issue, to be honest.
  15. you know how society gets pissed at wealthy people who hide their money off shore so it won't get taxed? well what do you think is going to happen if the tax rate for upper wage earners increases? one thing about the wealthy - they don't like other people trying to take away their money. i don't think the middle class is too keen on it, either.
  16. i told you that i haven't laughed at any of your jokes and that your humor isn't very funny. have not insulted you or wished bad on you. not sure how that equates to "ganging up" on someone.
  17. in police academy 2, when steve guttenberg was arresting someone, he told them "you have the right to cable tv. you have the right to sing the blues." so yes.
  18. i don't go to very many baseball games. in fact, i haven't been to angel stadium since 2011. why? it's a hundred dollar night for me and my daughter, minimum. that's not affordable for me very often. it's completely backwards to my thinking that the best way to establish credit is by carrying some kind of debt. maybe the financial guys here can shed more light on this, but i've heard that paying off your credit cards each month isn't a smart thing to do in order to increase your credit rating. if that's true, then we're doing it all backwards. and just look at the massive amounts of money owed to credit card companies. as a society, we're completely turned around on all of this, and the system needs a massive overhaul. i don't know the correlation between credit card debt and economic status, but i'd bet the farm there's a connection somewhere. people have to learn to live within their means. that includes the poor.
  19. if you don't create any incentives for the poor to move out of their condition, then it's completely unreasonable to ask people who have worked hard to pay for them. and i disagree completely with the idea that the more you make, the more you should be taxed. we have always valued hard work, innovation, success, etc. in the country. it's an opportunity open to everyone. but to increase the taxes on those who succeed crosses a big moral line, especially if it's to pay for those unwilling to finish their education, or find a job shoveling crap, or work at a gas station, or whatever. the way our system is set up, it is not incumbent upon the successful to be required to take care of the unsuccessful. there's a difference between charity for those truly in need, and handouts for those unwilling to pick up a shovel. i fully support being charitable.
  20. "In fact, this world of threats is an illusion. The United States has no potent enemies. We are not only safe, but safer than any big power has been in all of modern history." um, okay. i guess she was born after 9/11.
  21. my brother and i were talking about this saturday night. we both agree that not everyone is cut out for college. maybe it's just the semantics of how politicians say it, but i'd prefer them to say "anyone who wants to go to college should have the opportunity", or something like that instead of "everyone should go to college." or maybe it's just the old man in me that's speaking.
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