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Everything posted by Tank

  1. Son, youve got a panty on your head.
  2. well, maybe not with bill (if you believe the rumors) . . .
  3. my abuela never had sex in the white house. #notmyabuela
  4. Thursday - December 24 Oakland(-5.5) - i hate picking them for anything other than losing Saturday - December 26 Washington(+3) Sunday- December 27 Minnesota(-6) Tampa Bay(-3) Carolina(-7) Buffalo(-6) New Orleans(-3.5) Detroit(-9) Kansas City(-12.5) Indianapolis(+0) New England(-3) Houston(+4.5) Green Bay(+4.5) Seattle(-13.5) Pittsburgh(-10) Monday - December 28 Denver(-3.5)
  5. burns has one of those stupid beards. they look like pure crap, which fits him to a T.
  6. real, but i can't say it's very impressive to hit a carp with a boomerang from a whopping 3 feet away. i was expecting something from a greater distance.
  7. "I have a blue blazer i wear for work, but there's a rip along the seem at the shoulder and I only have brown thread. Do you think it'll be okay if I use the brown thread?"
  8. thats a valid argument . . . until you watch jaws 4.
  9. angry birds with friends. they have a weekly tournament. i'm in the gold league and usually finish in the top 25 worldwide.
  10. i got a chipotle gift card from one of my kids for christmas. i'm not sure if this kid was trying to send me a message, but i have no plans to use it.
  11. i'll be happy to pay for it, but since i'm greek, i'll have to borrow money from adam, then borrow some more money for calscuf, then mysteriously not have enough to even pay for a couple of burritos. oh well.
  12. i've never heard anyone say 'you've been schlonged', but it seems in line with other things he's said. not sure i'd be any more outraged at this than anything else he's said. meanwhile, hilary keeps claiming isis is using trumps words in recruiting videos, but no one can seem to find any evidence of that.
  13. so i went to google and youtube and typed in "teaching on your own terms without restraint." on google, the lead article was a story from the LDS church back in 1998 about personal fulfillment, or something like that. the list of articles was mostly self-help kind of stuff. on youtube, the lead video is posted below. the third story was about making your own play-dough, and the fourth story was about how to french kiss properly. so yes, you were being vague. anyone who goes into education for the money is in it for the wrong reason. anyone who goes into it thinking it's just temporary until something better comes along, should never have gone into in the first place. while there are opportunities to increase your income and hire yourself out to a far different clientele, that's not where the best, most meaningful work takes place. i love what i get to do, and i love that every year i get to try new things or improve on old things. i love that while i am required to teach about the gold rush, there's no dictate telling me HOW i have to teach about it, and that opens the door for new and different ideas, some that work and some that don't. i don't know if you know any teachers or if you ever hear about the great things some really great teachers are doing out there, but i hope you'll get that experience. i love what i do and i love who i get to teach. there are some days that are really tough and make me question myself, but the number of good days far, far outweighs those few moments. i'm being paid more than i ever thought i'd make, and while i wouldn't turn down an increase in salary, i have no complaints about what i make. i have a great distaste for educators who complain about their pay or what they have to do to earn it. i don't really have any more interest in discussing this issue. you and i aren't likely to see eye to eye on this.
  14. So you're just going to throw out this vague idea but not give any information about it? Well done.
  15. One thing we don't have in the vegetarian world is a decent steak option. We have things the size of a burger, but nothing bigger or thicker than that. It saddens me sometimes.
  16. Man, that's brutal. Gerry Cheevers mask saved him from that.
  17. Started getting gray hairs at 20. I think this comes from my mom, who also went gray early. I'm thinning on my crown, and didn't know it until I saw a video of my head from behind from one of my groups concerts about twelve years ago. Didn't even realize it was me.
  18. not really sure what's up with him. i can't find him on facebook anymore, either.
  19. and where exactly is it that i can just go teach on my own terms? where is this school located where i don't have to concern myself with required curriculum?
  20. yes. i think the pay is actually something like $58 and after taxes are taken out i get my $50. that looks really, really pale in comparison to several of you. we used to have a faculty Christmas party, but that was cancelled over 5 years ago due to budget concerns. it sucks, because we always had a good meal and good entertainment. for a couple of years, we had billy hill and the hillbillies (from disneyland - one of our staff members knew billy), and they were hilarious. the principal responsible for cancelling the staff party was possibly skimming money to pay for home improvements on his own house. the forensic accountants could never find a smoking gun, but it was strongly suspected. he's been gone for five years now. time to revive the party.
  21. if i woke up tomorrow and every hair on my head was gone, i wound't miss any of them at all. i don't get why so many men are so worried about having hair.
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