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Everything posted by Tank

  1. wow, that's even more than earlier reports had him getting. good for us, good for him. GKG!!!!
  2. glad to say i'm already #2 in our league. woo hoo! seriously, more of you need to sign up.
  3. what channel is televising the ucla-usc game tonight?
  4. i think english cop just had a seizure from reading those.
  5. wow. world class talent, ten cent brain. he was here in socal, right?
  6. reports from yesterday said that the chargers have a ballot initiative this june (?) about receiving $350 mil from the city. if that passes, plus the $100 mil the nfl promised them, it cuts down on their cost for a stadium by quite a bit. that could make it more attractive to them to stay. i'm sure teams would rather have their own stadium instead of sharing one with another team (hello, clippers fans!). if the chargers stay in SD, then the raiders have the option of moving down to LA. their owner desperately needs/wants a new stadium, and he's willing to travel to get it. remember there were rumors a year ago that they were looking at san antonio. their owner is in a tight spot because they don't even have a lease in place for this next season with their own stadium. i have very strong feelings against the raiders returning here. i hope whatever needs to happen for them to stay in oakland happens.
  7. so that's what they mean by giving 110%. or in this case, 109%.
  8. one of the guys from shark tank was on GMA this morning and advised that once you cash the check, don't spend a thing until you receive your first interest payment. one of his partners also advised that when people come calling with their hand out, have your financial advisor be the one that deals with all of that. that way it sticks on him and (hopefully) family & friends won't be pissed at you when they get $10k instead of $1 mil. She also advised that your financial guy look them straight in the eye and say "this is all you get. don't come back asking for more."
  9. Y'allqaeda Vanilla ISIS Both a play on words, my serious friend.
  10. NFL network reporting that the Rams will probably play in the Colisseum in the interim. Rose Bowl apparently has no interest in hosting an NFL team.
  11. I can hardly wait to see how much tickets are going to cost. Thought I heard recently that the average ticket price for a game is north of $100.
  12. even the bear is face-palming over your statement.
  13. Inglewood stadium has the "wow" factor the league is looking for, according to NFL network folks. That means hosting the Super Bowl. Will also include a room where they can hold the yearly draft.
  14. Headline on the NFL network: "Raiders withdraw from consideration for relocation to Los Angeles". Woo hoo!!!
  15. i'd be perfectly okay with this. just haven't seen the logic behind having two rival teams in the same division sharing the same city and same stadium.
  16. i'm not worried about overspending so much as i'm worried about this:
  17. you say pot leaf, i say buckeye leaf. potato - potahto.
  18. congrats on finding pictures from july. here's what their helmets look like by january:
  19. i never understood or appreciated the androgynous look.
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