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Everything posted by Tank

  1. So Iceland is being run by Aramark?
  2. i'm disappointed that this isn't another Mike Trout is fat thread.
  3. i'm having lunch with him tomorrow. i'll see what i can find out.
  4. then we need to be pretty harsh right from the start with an underage kid getting popped twice for DUI. public transportation should take care of him for a good, long time.
  5. i think i'd be okay with amending the constitution to include naturalized citizens. except for muslims from kenya.
  6. you honor, i give you affluenza boy as exhibit A for why there should be a harsher penalty.
  7. 9 times . . . wow. good dude or not, that's not an acceptable thing. why isn't he being more responsible about stopping or getting help? why weren't his friends helping him? if this is someone they care about and they were around when he was drinking, someone should have stepped up and taken his keys. the system has failed in that he's still walking around. he should have seen the inside of a cell for significant amounts of time by now. he certainly shouldn't have a license any more.
  8. been a tough week for 69 year old british entertainers.
  9. i didn't realize you were in your 70s. congrats!
  10. black tar or regular? those with discerning taste can tell the difference.
  11. our 401k is run by our employing corporation, and includes all of the employees of the seventh-day adventist church (ministers and teachers). we can't trade stocks or do things like a private investor can. not sure of all the regulations, but we pretty much can choose whether to have stocks and bonds that are no risk, medium risk, or higher risk. i've played it pretty safe since i've been in it for the long haul, but i have the option to adjust periodically if i choose. i'm looking at full retirement in about 10 years so i don't want to do anything too risky. i've endured the mood swings each time, and i'll endure this one.
  12. turns out he was incarcerated in bakersfield. was about to start trial for murdering one of the other inmates. his story was such a sad debacle.
  13. i'm interested in season seats. will check out prices, but if there's a PSL (which is complete horse crap), i won't be interested.
  14. winning tickets also bought in florida and tennessee.
  15. chuck pulled his own inside job . . . just like 9/11.
  16. sad and pathetic. it's not like condoms are rare and difficult to use.
  17. of course. i see stuff like this all the time. for instance "shave ice" is an order to do something to the ice. it should be "shaved ice", but no one writes it or says it that way.
  18. you better stop before you say something that makes me hate you.
  19. i wish bank interest was worth a damn so that my retirement savings wasn't affected by the mood swings of the stock market.
  20. thought i'd heard he did his jail time here, also.
  21. they've got plenty of space and the area is ready for a team. it makes a lot of sense (mostly because it's closer to me than anaheim).
  22. my first game was at crosley field in cincinnati. it wasn't memorable ( i was 3). the worst place ever to see a game was candlestick. you could get hepatitis just walking through the gates.
  23. you know how you get used to things being the way they are because you haven't had any other experiences? that's kind of how i feel about the Big A. i've always liked our stadium, but i haven't been to a lot of others to compare. it's really easy to get in and out of the ball park. that's a huge plus. maybe a few tweaks here and there, but i'm content with what it is. i've even grown accustomed to the rockpile, though i wouldn't be sad if it was replaced with something else.
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