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Everything posted by Tank

  1. this is a new song my men's chorus is learning. we just got the music for it last week. it's a good southern gospel song from the gold city quartet.
  2. Who decided that this should be the great liberal rallying cry for pretty much every argument?
  3. I'll give YOU a senior flex shaft, bub.
  4. that commercial was one of the funniest ones of the day.
  5. candidate barry sotero promised over and over that his plan would cut taxes for 95% of the middle class. i'm still waiting for that to happen.
  6. bernie's tax plan will hurt most of us because there isn't any mention of cutting gov't spending.
  7. capital gains - what does that mean in practical terms? is it the same as an inheritance?
  8. no she didn't, so let's fix that.
  9. several years ago california had a ballot initiative about school vouchers. i asked my principal what it would mean for us as a private school. he said it would be likely we'd raise out tuition prices by $300. he wanted to make money off of it for the school, and being as we are a private school, we always need more money.
  10. what a complete wimp in the press conference. nothing about his behavior said "i'm a leader." he acted like a big baby. we all get that it's tough to answer questions after losing, but my goodness, show some class.
  11. denver defense has been very good in the first half. they'll need every ounce they have to keep them in the game. hope denver's offense can make the necessary adjustments for the second half to put more points on the board.
  12. physically he looks like he's trying to throw the ball 65 yards. and that's just on the little screen passes.
  13. Sometimes the football HOF voting is hard to figure, like how Michael Strahan got in so quickly (and ahead of many others more deserving).
  14. ESPN reporting Peyton Manning gave a very inspirational team speech last night and that it was pretty clear that this will be his last game, though he didn't actually say it. They're also reporting that Marshawn Lynch has told friends he's retiring. He's 29.
  15. Which just proves that mosquitos love soccer-playing atheists, doncha know.
  16. If ever there was a need for a stage manager, it was last night.
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