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Everything posted by Tank

  1. rickie is very likable, but he was like the male golf version of anna kournikova - all show and no victories. he had one career win until last year, and once he won at the players, it seemed like the light went off and he realized he had the talent to be really successful. he's a fun player to watch, and he adds to the excitement of the young guns like spieth, rory, and day. this is a good time for golf.
  2. “The space will give white people a chance to forgive one another and to support one another and to learn how to challenge one another,”she said.
  3. based on my extremely limited and quite unsuccessful previous experience, i fully support the implementation of this new idea.
  4. very true. i think kasich has done well tonight. seems to have a little more personality, like someone slipped him a red bull a couple of minutes before things started.
  5. i stopped watching tonight's republican debate because of teddy. holy cats, what a toolbag. every thing he's said tonight - EVERY SINGLE THING - has been a blast directed right at trump. his handlers need to tell him to STFU because he sounds like a whiny little girl. cruz's poll numbers after the debate are going to be horrible and he's going to get creamed next tuesday because of how whiny he's been tonight. wow.
  6. in this day and age, all textbooks should have a digital option at far, far less cost to those buying them. if you decide you need to have a physical copy of your earth science book and want to spend $300 for it, go right ahead - but make it optional.
  7. yep. they have the benefit of strength in numbers right now. that won't be the case once they leave campus and find out no one gives two craps about safe zones and sock puppets.
  8. sure, i'd kick the tires on rios. better option than what we have right now.
  9. my prediction? a lot of rallies that die with them at bat. a lot of sadness for angels fans. someone here wondering why we don't just play joyce instead. a few people here bemoaning our loss of efren navarro. more trout trade predictions.
  10. i wish we could say the same about gentry and nava et al. not sure i would offered jackson more money but i would have at least floated a second year, maybe as an option.
  11. i'd be fine with jackson. would trust him more than the other cast of no-names at this point.
  12. Apple announced they may look to congress as well as the supreme court on fighting this.
  13. watched an episode of NCIS last night where they found a cell phone that was locked. they gave it to Abby in the lab and she used something she called smudge technology, where she used infrared or something to determine where the owner's fingers most commonly went when tapping the code into his phone. she got it right the first time. clearly, the FBI needs to give Gibbs and Abby a call. that phone will be unlocked by dinner time.
  14. i hope the guy who wrote that depressing article has a first floor office. his glass is definitely half empty, plus he sounds like a jumper.
  15. got it. my point was that congress, the ones who benefit from all the graft in politics, will not pass meaningful legislation against it because it directly hurts their ability to be bought and sold.
  16. "Isis insists that women be fully veiled; wear loose or baggy trousers, socks, and gloves; and be accompanied by a male relative whenever they step outside their homes." just how horny are muslim men? gloves? really?
  17. “After careful consideration, I have decided that it will be best for our campus community if we reschedule Ben Shapiro’s appearance for a later date, so that we can arrange for him to appear as part of a group of speakers with differing viewpoints on diversity,” Covino allegedly wrote. “Such an event will better represent our university’s dedication to the free exchange of ideas and the value of considering multiple viewpoints.” so the free exchange of ideas can only take place with the limitations we impose. got it. "Later that day in an interview with Breitbart News — a conservative publication where Shapiro is an editor-at-large — Shapiro says that because he pays California state taxes, he’s “paying for these whiny children to be indoctrinated by radical leftists,” later referring to liberals as “jackbooted thugs.” he may not have won over any converts with this description, but he isn't wrong.
  18. but this prevents them from actually attending law school where they would have to take out student loans in order to pay for the tuition, and thus denying the gov't (and ultimately you and i) of interest on those loans, which means we would have a shortfall of tax money which means our taxes are going to have to be raised to make up for said deficit, which means more people can go to college for free because bernie's our guy. stupid lawyers.
  19. theory vs. practice. the theory of communism is good, but the practice of communism sucks big chunks.
  20. any kind of campaign finance law has to be passed by the very people that benefit most from a lack of good campaign finance reform laws. it'll never happen.
  21. no, i think there's already one near the corner of adams and figueroa.
  22. saw on the news this morning that we have started switching to summer blend. showed one station change their price from 2.49 to 2.79, just like that. SOBs.
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