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Everything posted by Tank

  1. i teach jr. high. crop dusting is nearly a daily event here.
  2. bernie should use some of our $21 to buy a comb. i swear he sometimes looks like he's thisclose to running around yelling "1.21 jig-a-watts!!"
  3. one story i heard about LBJ was that during a cabinet meeting or such, they were talking about the viet cong. LBJ stood up, unzipped, and pulled it out, saying "Gentlemen, Ho Chi Minh will never touch this."
  4. no problem, you cow-killing carcass-selling whore.
  5. my path crossed with his frequently online. he was on the old AOL grandstand boards when i first met him, and he was one of the most defensive people imaginable. He would get furious over any criticism of the players that were trying to break in with the big club, or any criticism of players just called up to anaheim. e used to hang around lake elsinore quite a bit, and he knew how much work and time the kids were putting in, plus the fact that many of them were away from home for the first time and living with a host family. it was bizarre because he treated them like they were his own family, and it was really creepy at times. he alienated many posters because of how defensive and arrogant and angry he could become. i think he was eventually kicked off of every angels message board he joined (certainly all the ones where i saw him). he was just a horribly unpleasant person to talk to about the guys in the minors. informed? sure, better than most, but he just couldn't get past any criticism of the kids.
  6. i think most everyone here is able to take jabs at others and receive jabs back. that's all that's going on here. no intention to hurt your feelings.
  7. Veggie burger Saturdays and Mountain Dew Mondays. Straw golf hat night.
  8. just curious . . . was future angel some guy who knew the angels minor leagues extensively and had a website dedicated to them? his real name was stephen.
  9. Arian Foster released by the Texans today. Give him a call!
  10. Let's go the full Monty on this thing and suggest this: a Trump-Sanders ticket.
  11. So if you delete a low grade then it stands to reason that you also lose those credits. Which means you need to retake that class, which then means you have to stay in college longer, which means you delay entering the workforce and paying your share of taxes, which means the tax burden will increase for the middle class because the wealthy are smart enough to hide their money in off shore accounts and avoid paying taxes. Stupid college kids.
  12. It'll be very telling to see how much Romneys name is mentioned in the news cycle in the coming months. If he's mentioned a fair amount, bet the farm that something is up. If he disappears back into oblivion, then we'll know the Donald is getting their support.
  13. One thing I appreciate about both Trump and Sanders is that neither one of them is a status quo candidate.
  14. So then you've known for quite a while that you're not funny?
  15. You think it's fractured now? Just wait until Hilary is sworn in. I think repubs will spend twice as much time trying to shut her down as they've spent on Obama.
  16. There wasn't anything in that trailer that grabbed my attention. This looks like it's going to be a mess.
  17. if you play in the scioscia league its: C, C, C, C, C, Util, Util, Util, Util, Util, Util, Util, Util, Util, Util, Util, Util, Util, Util, Util, Util, Util, Util,
  18. only been there once. the family went on a saturday afternoon. mom and dad had a humungous fight on the way home, which led to them deciding to get divorced. haven't been back since.
  19. she was very good in the tv show Alias. She's gorgeous, and those dimples seal the deal for me. all of the aw.com adonises have become too cynical.
  20. knock it off, charlie. i don't have you on my fantasy team this week.
  21. let me translate for the rest of you. underprivileged youth in 3rd world countries = families in hesperia making less than $125,000 and in need of a house to buy.
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