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Everything posted by Tank

  1. Look for the slimebag that filmed her to declare bankruptcy so he doesn't have to pay a dime.
  2. It seems to me that someone making $16k a year is going to have a tough time forking over another $416 a year in taxes when that money would be more helpful for themselves than others. If you're only making $16k a year, you're within striking distance of the poverty line. Why take more money from this person?
  3. RGIII added to the list today. i'll bet he ends up with the rams.
  4. finally got around to watching this. hilarious. "i'm a vegan, therefore i know karate!"
  5. When I felt this afternoon, Rory was at -11 and Scott was at -7. What a turnaround!
  6. Family heirs in the US would be instant multi-millionaires if that happened here.
  7. always appreciated her. my former dentist's wife was nancy's personal shopper/dresser during the white house years. i know she'll be very saddened to hear this news.
  8. I'm not advocating closing PP. I'm pointing out that that's not the only place to get condoms. Btw, I don't like it when you yell at me. I'm all about peace, brother.
  9. good explanation. and you didn't even mention brown people once. impressive.
  10. have all the drug stores started closing, also? unwanted pregnancy is reasonably easy to avoid.
  11. "Factoring in the cost of books and living expenses, the total cost for one Trojan year will be almost $70,000, USC officials estimate." yikes.
  12. they keep sending the soup back.
  13. probably so, but they won't want her to get any credit for anything. it'll be like how boehner and the repubs tried to block obamas every move in the house, only i think there'll be more vitriol directed at hilary.
  14. yep, he supposedly unzipped and plopped it on the table. sort of similar to that male stripper in the tom hanks movie "bachelor party."
  15. i'm surprised there hasn't been a constitutional challenge to the state laws allowing the use of recreational pot. federal law trumps state law, and these states are violating federal law.
  16. what a terribly sad state of affairs if you feel this is your best option. and how tough is it to get condoms today?
  17. thanks, home brewer. this all sounds like a big ado about nothing. wonder if the retired cop could be in some legal trouble for holding on to this thing for so long. that was kind of a dumb move.
  18. LOL alex, i'll take mixed metaphors for a thousand, please.
  19. acording to my wife, we have something similar to this in our house.
  20. i haven't heard any of this . . . did they just today find the alledged knife use to commit the murders? and where and how did they find it? i think a lot of people (myself included) always thought the package OJ sent to bobby kardashian included the knife so that he could keep it out of police hands, which i didn't really understand legally how that worked.
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