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Everything posted by Tank

  1. i'm always hopeful that each album is his last album.
  2. note to self: avoid meeting failos at next fanfest.
  3. so chuck, you're swimming in water where you've seen gators?
  4. had a second fridge in our garage for a few months. man, that thing sucked power like nobody's business. although it was perfect for storing massive amounts of veggie burger patties.
  5. *** caveat emptor *** there's a meme on facebook right about some danish teacher who makes $61k a year. she (and i think everyone else) is taxed at 68%. cars come with a tax rate of 120% so very few people can afford them (which might explain the bicycling meme above). sure, health care and college are free, but at a pretty significant cost (IF THESE NUMBERS ARE CORRECT).
  6. apple supposedly is going to make a new iphone 6sc. it'll be the same size as the iphone 5 but have the guts of the iphone 6 as apparently there are people who want a smaller phone. there were also rumors of making a smaller ipad pro with the guts of the current ipad.
  7. watched "now you see me" tonight. solid movie about magicians pulling off a really impressive heist. they've begun filming part 2.
  8. condolences, strad. such a tough thing to go through.
  9. they also found grass clippings on his neighbors driveway.
  10. they had our number tonight. on to tomorrow.
  11. This seems like a Luke Donald kind of weekend.
  12. I'd have feasted on pork tamales and raspberry ice tea instead of watching that video.
  13. "In an indication of her murderous and psychopathic nature, Clinton also wrote that it was the “right thing” to personally threaten Bashar Assad’s family with death." ​the difference in this election is that while clinton can make statements like this and then backpedal like mad, with her base having no issue with it, they would then viciously turn on trump and try to take him to the woodshed for saying the same thing.
  14. the puerto rico open is where you want to make a statement? okay, let's go, homeslice.
  15. yes, he's going next week as a matter of fact. call him and maybe you guys can carpool.
  16. AJ has become a one percenter, only he's on the opposite end of the scale.
  17. after going to visit my dad this afternoon, my daughter and i were headed to irvine to pick up a new computer for her. on the 91westbound, there's heavy traffic but we're moving along. some asshat decided he wanted to find some secret route around the traffic, so while he was in the fast lane, he decided to go left onto the shoulder around the traffic. unfortunately he had nowhere to go and had to slam on the brakes. in the process of him being a dork, he swerved right back into the lane where another car already was. car #2 had to slam on his brakes and moved right to avoid being hit. lane #2 was right where i was driving, and while i slammed on my brakes, i had nowhere to go (since i didn't want to be a pinball). i hit his back right with my front left. we were able to pull over to the right hand shoulder. he was a 20 year old kid and was wearing pajama pants, really fuzzy ones. he felt bad, but he and i were both caught by the clown who was in a hurry. we exchanged info and took pictures, and called CHP to take a report. i get to spend tomorrow morning with my insurance agent going through a stupid process that shouldn't have happened. the moron who caused it all never stopped and drove off scott-free, likely unaware of what he caused by being in a hurry during heavy traffic. no one was hurt, and my car was drivable enough to get to irvine and back to home. today was also my 28th wedding anniversary with my wife. not how i wanted to end the day.
  18. that's twice. if it happens a third time, i may have to take him to small claims court.
  19. I remember reading about those twins when I was a kid. Was very impressed that every morning each of them ate a loaf of toast.
  20. But he's a thinking mans football player!
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