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Everything posted by Tank

  1. i'd been led to believe that Soto was in the process of changing to Sota. Is that no longer accurate?
  2. he gets bit to death by a rogue band of horsefies.
  3. Arresting someone vs. confiscating property are not the same to me. My worry is that people outside the Chicago city limits would bring in more guns and that the city wouldn't really be disarmed. TORS, what kind of solutions would work there to reduce the amount of guns? Anything Johnny Law can do that isn't being done right now?
  4. Best wishes to him. I hope this is a good fit for him and that he can be helpful to the kids he works with.
  5. Big question is how to repair the team from something like this. Can the team recover? Reports about the rift in the clubhouse are really ugly, and deservedly so. Both Young and Russell are supposed to appear together at a pre-game presser tonight. They'll say the right things but I don't think it'll matter in the end. I'd suspend Russell for the rest of the season and then trade him this summer.
  6. No sign of Gabby or Jordan Nolan today from what I could see.
  7. or if you watch the video you'll see that those are the lyrics that chong is singing in the background in trying to come up with another verse.
  8. cultural appropriation. stealing my culture. i think a gary johnson quote would be appropriate here.
  9. rupaul dropping a load? that would be scarring even at my current age, cals.
  10. i think you just made a really awesome jay cutler analogy.
  11. 7 shootings and 1 homicide per day, = 365 deaths and 2,555 wounded per year, just in chicago. i'd say it's time for something drastic. MT, i know you'll be upset by this, and that's okay, but if a few legal guns are gathered in notti's suggested round up and quarantine for 180 days, i think that's an acceptable cost for trying to protect the innocent and cool down what has become a nightmare situation for so many people. no idea if this would work, notti, but sometimes something extreme has to be done.
  12. 5 hours each way every day? that'd be like driving from glendale to san diego. i'd do it, AO.
  13. got to practice a bit late, but was impressed with what i saw. most energetic guy on the ice, by far, was lacavlier. wow, he was impressive. versteeg was in full pads and looked like he could play tonight. matt greene was in full pads, also, and doing regular drills with the d-men. he stayed late working on his shot (wrist shot looked sad), and cycling down low to clear the puck. glad i got to go. might head back there friday.
  14. enjoyed the hail greatly this afternoon. didn't last all that long, but we were glad to have it and the rain.
  15. my big fat greek wedding 2 took the wife and daughter to see it this afternoon. i won't bother rating it here because it's not a movie many of you will see. enjoyed it as a sequel to the original, and recommend it as a decent date night movie. you younger guys probably wouldn't care about it.
  16. one thing i like about kasich is that he's a governor. that gives him experience at governing. combine that with his previous work in DC as a congressman, and it puts him ahead of the rest of the field when it comes to experience. i also like that he hasn't devolved too terribly much into an 8 year old like cruz and trump.
  17. i think i'm going to go to practice tomorrow at the toyota center in case anyone here wants to join me. will be there about 9:00 am.
  18. better to get it done now and out of the way.
  19. LOL, just saw the seinfeld episode where george is a hand model. well done, ray. well done.
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