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Everything posted by Tank

  1. excellent! if there's one thing we need to do in the desert during a drought, it's filled up man-made lakes with ridiculous amounts of water.
  2. interesting. i've never heard of an accountant that works nights.
  3. i stated a few months ago that i thought johnny football would out of the nfl within two years. looks like he's trying to accelerate that timeline.
  4. let's hope that's not necessary, nate, although i greatly appreciate that there's a precedent.
  5. any reason why the ducks didn't play wed or thur? kind of odd they're starting tonight. was honda center already booked for something else?
  6. thought they played with purpose in the third period last night. they certainly swarmed the san jose end quite a bit. martin jones is a good goalie, so this won't be an easy series to win, but my goodness, the kings defense better step it up for game 2. san jose had too many good looks.
  7. minnesota is going to have to bring more to the table if they want that to happen.
  8. still don't see how any of this is constitutional, especially the "buy it or else!" requirement.
  9. too many penalties plus poor defense = loss. on to game 2.
  10. an update on a case where the nuns are being ripped off by their church leadership. my men's chorus has sung at this house several times, and it's a shame to see this happen to these wonderful ladies. http://www.latimes.com/local/lanow/la-me-ln-katy-perry-nuns-convent-los-feliz-20160413-story.html
  11. indeed, but that's going to require action from our legislators in sacramento, and that just isn't going to happen with the way california likes to hand out money by the fistful to the illegals.
  12. the first two periods have been very spirited. Kings need to do a better job of tieing up the sharks. san jose is getting an awful lot of scoring chances. sweet short handed goal by lewis. that was huge.
  13. when we've had CPR classes, our teachers have frequently told us that in the ER, the heart cases get in almost immediately.
  14. that's just pure ugliness. hope they throw the book at this guy.
  15. wife and i saw him there around '88 or '89. impressive amounts of women ready to let neil have his way right then and there.
  16. i've heard good things about those. seems like someone here was a HUGE fan . . .
  17. we had a cable company for a few years that promised everyone in the flyer they left in the apartment managers office that all of us got FSW and FSW2. it made for a nice recruiting tool to prospective tenants, but it was an outright lie. i called them several times about restoring that channel and got the runaround 100% of the time. finally decided to that there was really only one way to get their attention, so the next billing cycle i deducted $5 from my bill and wrote them a letter explaining that i had tired of paying for a service they advertised providing, and yet i couldn't get it, and until they either fixed the situation by providing the channel or reduced my bill for not providing, i was no longer going to pay for their inaccurate service. well, that got someone's attention and i got a phone call about ten days later telling me that they were working on it. deducted $5 the next month and that prompted another phone call. bottom line is that they officially reduced my bill by $2.50 and stopped advertising that they offered those channels. looney, money talks to these companies, so if you're not getting what they advertised, i suggest knocking off a few bucks from your payment and writing them a letter explaining why. that's a message they'll hear.
  18. two dark horses in the finals, eh, bob? :-)
  19. oh, you mean that time i shot 57? yeah, how convenient that you forgot my manly display of expertise that day. if memory serves, i believe i birdied every hole that day.
  20. i dunno, nate. let's see how this one plays out.
  21. my brother has used turbo tax for many years. no complaints so far, except for the years it doesn't give me a refund.
  22. well there's your problem, sparky. the flux capacitor is designed to work inside, not outside where your pretty-boy lights are located.
  23. boy, that's an expensive price to pay for someone who has all the earmarks of a star. sadly, that's not what this years draft looks like so it seems like quite a bit of overpay for someone who may or may not pan out. i'm rooting for the rams to do well, so i hope this works out favorably.
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