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Everything posted by Tank

  1. the sharks deserved to win. they outplayed us in pretty much every facet, and they were clearly more hungry than us. we made stupid mistakes that the sharks turned in to costly mistakes by being nails on their power plays. our defense did a lot of watching instead of moving the body out of the way. i don't pin this on quick. he was not the weak link that cost us this series. this was a complete crappy team effort on our part. something changed for this team in mid-march. they stopped closing out games and turned a lot of victories into losses. they approached the playoffs the same way. whatever caused this change needs to be identified and dealt with this summer.
  2. have you ever been to a game 7? nothing like it, nate. if you can score tickets for the blues game that night, go.
  3. the turks saw it more as a casualty of conducting war.
  4. it seems like every motorcyclist in the county has to have his high beams on. irritating as can be that these jack holes can't dim them.
  5. I have a box in my room for recycling paper. It's a box of two-buck chuck. I have no idea where it came from or how it ended up on my very dry campus.
  6. To me, it's absolutely moronic to provoke people who can unequivocally screw up your life. I may not agree with what LE is doing, but my goal is to be able to go home just as quickly as possible.
  7. you may want to change your profile picture.
  8. TMZ has been pretty good at scooping stories.
  9. bernie sanders should be on the $8 bill. only one bernie per week!
  10. here's a list of US presidents who were slave owners: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Presidents_of_the_United_States_who_owned_slaves neither john adams or his son john quincy owned slaves.
  11. adams lived in the north (he was the attorney who represented the british soldiers accused in the boston massacre), so i don't think he was a slave owner.
  12. honestly, i'm surprised andrew jackson has lasted this long. he was so brutal to the indian tribes, i'm surprised that in today's climate there hasn't been more noise coming from the national tribes. or maybe they're still dipping into the fire water too much to notice.
  13. actually, he was. stopped here on the stump trail and did a radio station interview. the armo's around here were pretty excited that he would tell the turks and the world what's up. meanwhile, i get to see ten gazillion armo flags today on every car in the hood.
  14. here it is. she plays the "free inhabitant" card. it's worth the watch for anyone who hasn't seen it.
  15. ha, have you seen that classic video clip? some chick has had it splashed all over Facebook after being pulled over by a CHP and claiming to be not a US citizen but a sovereign citizen. she of course filmed it for all of us to see. it's epic. i'll see if i can find it.
  16. from washingtonblogs.com John Adams said: There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties, each arranged under its leader, and concerting measures in opposition to each other. This, in my humble apprehension, is to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution. i was taught that adams was a leading voice against having a party system. glad to see others, like washington, felt the same way (though in my studies adams opinions about the party system were most often cited).
  17. i think most bernie supporters would probably feel the same way.
  18. i thought mary carey was his favorite. the things you learn on this board.
  19. beautiful goal by tampa to win their series with a minute and a half left in the third. rangers were trounced tonight. sorry, NJ.
  20. kane is the most talented dooshbag i've seen. can't stand him. toews, either.
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