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Everything posted by Tank

  1. got our yearbooks today. discovered we have three kindergarten girls named Winter, Myth, and Preity (pronounced pretty). sadly, there's no FB meme to go with this info.
  2. i sometimes have kids who misspell their own names. usually they just leave off a letter. it's always kind of amusing.
  3. holy mackeral, wicked. consider dat a dee-vorce.
  4. doesn't arch stanton live in dubai? he can probably arrange for you to fly an F-16 or a C-130 all by yourself.
  5. just saw this on facebook. wow. i want to laugh and cringe at the same time.
  6. you beat me to the punch, cals. also, cory hasn't broken up with anyone lately.
  7. Yeah, you'll have a couple of tournaments like over the course of the season. Balances out those you unexplainably do great. the toughest weeks for me are January and February. You have no idea whose going to break out early.
  8. we're in a serious moral decline in this country, and it will not improve under either one of these two, but i think it will get worse. i don't, however, necessarily think it will be their fault one way or the other.
  9. 20 years sounds about right for all of the lawsuits this idiot train will generate. you know how many people's homes are in the proposed pathway? with real estate prices going up, buying those homes - if people are even willing to sell them - will be astronomical (i imagine the state will claim eminent domain for many of them). this thing is a disaster financially. are there really people clamoring for this thing?
  10. if you go through gilroy, hit up one of the roadside stands for some garlic ice cream. if you havne't had it, it's worth trying at least once in your lifetime. also, not too far from gilroy is casa de fruita. they've got all kinds of fruit and veggies, tons of nuts in all kinds of flavors, jelly beans, chocolate, and hot sauces/relishes. it's one of my favorite places to stop.
  11. maybe bernie can help you pay for it. #feelthebern
  12. i completely agree. this is where i wish apple would play ball with us and offer something more than a $50 discount (that's the discount i get as part of their apple education program. $50 off from a $1400 computer isn't much of an effort on their part.). our tech guy pointed out that we just can't afford new macs, and i get that. i'm not sure that switching to a completely new system for all of us is the best answer, either. should be a really fun august and september here! "hi, erwin, it's me, tank, with another question . . ."
  13. Any and all offers will need to begin with seven figures in cash and 24/7 access to an Angels suite.
  14. Can we change beer to kool aid? I'm trying to watch my carbs.
  15. Blues are toast. i think the Sharks will win the Cup.
  16. I think my favorite was the chick yelling "keep your hate out of my face!" The people lining this gauntlet were pretty darn clueless. It was impressive.
  17. Well, of course! That's when they have the tulip festival!
  18. Our tech guy has the philosophy of "my way or the highway." He doesn't like macs, never has, and has pushed for something else almost since he got here. The problem is that we have an aging group of teachers, many of whom aren't very tech savvy, and using Mac's is decidedly easier for most of us. I foresee a few of our staff having serious problems making this switch. I don't really know how helpful he'll be, either, as we transition.
  19. thanks, nate. appreciate all the info.
  20. what is this and how does it work? is it what thomas and GB are talking about with passwords?
  21. thanks, thomas. i was hoping you'd see this thread and respond. i'll send you PMs as needed. thanks for the advice about encryption - i'll ask about it.
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