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Everything posted by Tank

  1. maybe you just need to curl up with a blanket in your local university safe place for a while.
  2. help me out here . . . but isn't each member of the EC required to vote according to how the popular vote went in their state? so if arizona or missouri voters cast a majority of their votes for clinton, then their members of the EC are also required to vote for her. am i missing something?
  3. "i'm not a citizen." excellent.
  4. i agree that we do more humanitarian deeds today as a country, but on a personal level i think we treat others worse, a lot worse. look at all the school shootings, the increasing gun violence, the gang violence that never goes away, road rage, and so on. i think it's gotten a lot worse in several areas.
  5. "The Kiwi Cafe in Tiblisi said more than a dozen men, some wearing sausage links around their necks, entered the cafe Sunday evening" outstanding. way to think outside the box.
  6. have had a couple of 8th graders that really stressed over nearly every single point this last semester as they battled to earn high honors for graduation. fortunately none of them were dangerous, though one of them was a boy who has been gradually "coming out" this year and has faced a lot of stress about a lot of things this year, including an emo phase he went through recently.
  7. i'm not really sure what you're trying to say here, so i'll just say i was concerned you might have been, um, "backed up" for a wee bit.
  8. I hope you weren't on vacation there for three weeks.
  9. So you were just going to leave this post here without any info? Dude. at least tell us how the chicken nuggets tasted.
  10. Thanks, wicked. It was pretty rough. This was the second of two brother cats she got for her bday eight years ago. They both died of cancer three years apart.
  11. i'm pretty sure chappie would kicked his butt for that, ocho.
  12. i'm looking forward to seeing how he does. hope he's decent.
  13. we have a go pro that we're going to break in two weeks from now on a cruise. i'll be happy to share our discoveries about it when we get back, if you can wait that long for my spine-tingling report.
  14. goalies that stand and players without helmets . . . wow, that takes me back.
  15. i remember watching that game. he was a fun player to watch. he also had that really super cool dude hair.
  16. wow, imagine if vegas gets an NFL team and NHL team in the same summer. that'd be pretty good for them.
  17. man, that sucked more than i thought it would.
  18. he's a cop; you don't need to know why.
  19. my brother and i watched "Shooter" last night on showtime. good flick, and i believe it's one of the required movies showtime is required to show at least once a day. i love the scene where they go see the crazy old man about whether or not it's possible to make a bullet from one gun look like it came from another gun. he talks about conspiracies and how the JFK shooters were dead and buried within a couple of hours because that's how conspiracies work. the FBI agent says "and you know this how?" and he replies "(I've) still got the shovel." the timing on it is perfect.
  20. huh? not at all, colt. they're paid well probably because of the volume of food they sell, not because of the price.
  21. my wife had to run home this morning to take care of something and found our cat lying down and laboring for breath and in a lot of distress. she took him in to the vet who discovered he had a lot of fluid in his lungs. x-rays revealed two large masses, also, likely cancerous. she made the decision to have him put down to prevent him from suffering any more. my daughter will be home in less than an hour and doesn't know yet. this part of parenting, telling your kids about the loss of a pet, is one of the tougher things to do. it's going to be devastating for her. she also has finals tomorrow (fortunately she can make them up on friday).
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