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Everything posted by Tank

  1. we're about to join costco (i know, save your scorn, boys). it's sounding like a good idea to me, too.
  2. game 3 goes to the sharks in OT, 3-2. great shot by donskoi to win it. OT was fun with lots of action and close calls.
  3. Just like half the guys who post on this website.
  4. sounds like he probably spends a lot of his time in chicago. mostly in the summer, i'd imagine.
  5. my guess is that someone will suddenly need to go to the DL about the same time they decide to call up Lincecum. they'll give him a few starts here to see how things go, and then decide what to do next, whether to keep him and move someone to the pen or release him if he doesn't seem to be working out as hoped.
  6. Don't forget all those Mexican flags they keep waving. Plays right into his hands.
  7. 8th grade graduation has been around forever - mine was in 1974. my first year teaching I was in charge of graduation. Wasn't sure of everything to do so I asked questions, lots of them. Was talking to one of the parents about it - she had an older daughter who had already gone through this and so I wanted to know what kinds of things to do, especially since her second daughter was an 8th grader. She went WAY overboard on all the kinds of cords and stolls the kids should have to recognize their accomplishments. Had she had her way these kids would've looked like soldiers geared up to do a patrol in Baghdad. After hearing her out, I finally said "but it's just 8th grade graduation." She teared up like I had just kicked her poodle. I talked to my principal about it and he finally gave me guidance that was a satisfactory compromise. Learned without a doubt that there are parents who want this to mean everything, and that no celebration is too big. They want to put a Porsche paint job on a 2003 Ford Taurus. I think it's a ton of overcompensation, kind of like parents who think their kid is the next Mike Trout or Kobe or Tom Cruise, and if I don't give them everything they want/deserve then I'm just a roadblock to their joy/success. my daughter graduates from high school next year. Keep it simple. We don't need to go overboard.
  8. Nando, it has indeed been this way for years and years. Somehow, it seems like it's gotten worse, something I didn't think was even possible.
  9. rant time. had our 8th grade graduation last night, and i'm exhausted, but very glad it's over. this was a real pushy class at times that had this idea that they could do whatever they wanted whenever they wanted, so guiding them was difficult at times. graduation is often the best day and worst day of the year, mostly because of pushy parents. we don't let anyone into the auditorium until a certain time, which we tell them well ahead of time. but yet, there are always parents who think they're above our guidelines and do their best to get inside early and start setting up or saving seats. last night, it was the mother of the class president who felt entitled. i had to boot her out and she took offense that i would even do such a thing. had another pushy parent who decided it was in his best interests to set up his camera and tripod in a portion of the center aisle so he could capture his baby marching in. didn't matter that kids had to walk around his setup. thank goodness he was able to get that million dollar shot! when i read the names as the grads came up to get their diplomas, we expect cheering, but it's gotten to the point where some people feel they have to yell undistinguishable things louder than anyone else, as if they're proving how loved their child/sibling is. the worst offender last night? the class president's older brother. it was so bad i almost had to say something from the podium. he was dork when i taught him four years ago, and i see that he has somehow managed to drop down a few more levels. the 8th grade parents gave the teachers a gift last night. it included a couple of roses that still had all of the thorns attached (nice touch! was there some kind of hidden message there?). they also gave each of us a gift card to starbucks. i'm always grateful for things like this, but i don't drink coffee. i don't talk about coffee. the kids have never seen me raise a cup of coffee. i hate the smell of coffee and the flavor. if you're going to do something like this, match it up to the person you're giving it to. an amazon or iTunes gift card would have been terrific. okay, that's it. now some time off to prepare for next years jr. high, including one of the loudest classes of 8th graders i can remember. their parents are even more pushy. maybe we can just mail a diploma to them and cancel the ceremony next year.
  10. espn is more unwatchable than usual these days. i like to watch the 7 am broadcast, but i can't watch anymore. they devote probably 56 minutes out of every 60 talking about the NBA finals. they've talked to anyone and everyone they can find about every nuance they can find. meanwhile the NHL finals are getting about 45 sec of air time. i really hate this network.
  11. was watching highlights yesterday and thinking this was going to be an outstanding day for my team . . . until i realized i had dumped kuchar the day before.
  12. "good dude" and "110% democrat" . . . sorry, not computing.
  13. freedom of speech as long as you agree with us!! now hand me another flag from mexico so i can continue to protest. viva la revolucion!
  14. time to unfriend him, permanently (if you know what i mean).
  15. if that's what he's dreaming about, why on earth would you ever want to talk to him again about anything?!?
  16. Milhaus Barrachias Smith III it's a beautiful name, vegas.
  17. huh, didn't know stickboy had moved to europe.
  18. i worry that things like this will have the gun advocates pushing harder and harder for teachers to be strapped. i don't like that idea.
  19. then as a society we're gonna need a million more safe spaces with tons of stuffed animals and blankies for these people.
  20. can't imagine too many people are surprised. i know i'm not.
  21. probably best to ask tdawg. i think he's the local expert around here.
  22. has anyone been watching the remake of Roots? it's been on the history channel and A & E network this week. tonight is episode 3. it's an updated version of the original, but it's left out some things that if you know the story well enough you are aware that they're missing. it's a little more bloody, too, at least the small amount of it that i've seen so far.
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