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Everything posted by Tank

  1. One year on New Year's Eve a buddy and I took some Christmas trees that were put outside for trash pickup and laid them across the street, then ignited them. Scared the crap out of us. They went up as fast as flash paper.
  2. If you're serious about wanting to do this, I know a guy. please don't ask any questions.
  3. even if it comes at the risk of my team, which has taken several years to build to be at this point, being screwed? that's wrong. that's just flat out wrong.
  4. like wells he's probably just misaligned at the plate in anaheim.
  5. add this guy to the other 14 players on the team i've never heard of.
  6. the judge sentenced the kid to six months of prison time, and with good behavior he could be released after only three months. for a rape. there's a big recall campaign in motion to get this judge removed from the bench. this sentence was too light. the girl wrote a 12 page letter to the judge asking for the max sentence and it was pretty much ignored.
  7. don't want to know how you know this.
  8. you know, just twenty minutes of action, like any good father wants for his son. what and idiot.
  9. physically, this guy looked as intimidating and impressive as they come. sorry to see it end this way for him.
  10. thanks TORS and wicked. we read the reviews and all of them said nearly the same thing about not being able to use your own camera and the overpriced sales pitch at the end. the chance to swim with the dolphins is a pretty powerful draw, so we may bite the bullet and do it anyway.
  11. It seems to be a way to stack the deck and keep power in the hands of those who already have it. So the ones who need to change it are the ones who would lie their power, and that just isn't going to happen. It's like hoping congress will pass a law requiring them to take a pay cut AND be required to use Obamacare.
  12. With as much popular support as Bernie has received, I wonder if this will push the dems to get rid of the super delegates for 2020. Bernie supporters certainly can make a convincing case against them.
  13. Don't know how they can talk about dropping the salary cap and having another expansion team at the same time.
  14. Tanana and Ryan and two days of cryin'.
  15. and it was enough to beat me by 3 stinking points, you dog.
  16. i like this idea, GB. tax the crap out of them on potato chips and soda while you're at it.
  17. I'd like to think that Crawford has enough talent left that he'd be worth taking a flyer on. But I'm also wary of someone with his injury history and how badly he's fallen off in recent years. We're not going anywhere this year so why not?
  18. Has anyone here been on any of the "swim with the dolphin" excursions in grand Cayman or Cozumel? We'll be there in just over a week and are looking over the excursion offerings available. Also interested in any of the snorkeling excursions.
  19. realistically they should be playing every other day. for whatever reasons, they don't. they drag out their playoffs far longer than necessary, and it seems to be worse every year.
  20. bo jackson, good call. should most certainly be in the discussion. and jeff davannon, too.
  21. i'd love to see johnson get into at least one of the debates. his team ought to push really, really hard for that to happen.
  22. liked him a lot when i was a kid but got tired of the "i'm the greatest!" schtick. probably started my dislike of arrogant athletes. my favorite moments were when he was interviewed by howard cosell. howard could spar with him as well as anyone, and it was entertaining. i'll be honest, i have never really warmed to the idea of him being the greatest athlete of the century (personally i would have voted for jim thorpe or babe ruth, but that's besides the point). he was certainly entertaining, but i just never saw a boxer as great an athlete as others in sports.
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