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Everything posted by Tank

  1. i'm glad they're upbeat. i'm glad they are working hard. i'm glad they get along. but it's time to start seeing some results.
  2. do nations send a security force with their athletes? or is security completely up to the host nation?
  3. rowdy gaines, the color commentator for swimming coverage, has the unique ability to make every single race sound like he's describing a play at the plate in the ninth inning of game 7 of the world series. and i like it, too.
  4. Or negotiating a higher speaking fee at the next Monsanto convention.
  5. This thread has taught that I'm glad I'm not counting on dividend returns from Sirius stock to sustain me in my retirement years.
  6. I wonder if Subban just needed to get out of Montreal because if the racial problems he's had to deal with. I dunno. Seems like a lateral move for both teams. as for Edmonton, Lucic and someone else are supposed to be visiting there today.
  7. We have nowhere to go but up. I'm in.
  8. I didn't realize that both of those were problems for this team. the more you know.
  9. after the gretzky trade to the kings, my brother and i had to go down to the forum to straighten out our season tickets. while roaming around down in the offices (near the forum club entrance), i was waiting around this open door to someone's office. no one was watching me so i stepped inside real quick, and sitting on a pedestal is a miniature copy of the stanley cup, a real darn nice copy of it. turned out i was in rogie's office and this was something he received in montreal one year that they won the cup. don't remember anything else that may have been in there, but i got out before being found. it was pretty amazing.
  10. dwade is available. anyone interested?
  11. maybe it's my age, but what in the world is rim protection? and adam, no links to lemonpartydotcom if you reply to this.
  12. i don't want to do away with the second amendment. what i would like to see is: the elimination of as many of the illegal guns that are out there as can possibly be done; getting rid of the idea that everyone should be strapped and that that will somehow prevent bad things; figuring out a way to keep guns out of the hands of people with mental issues; shutting down gangs; some kind of licensing process and safety training for those who choose to own a gun; and the elimination of military style weapons for private citizens. do those things and i'm good.
  13. "so joe, i'm still batting albert in the cleanup spot."
  14. here ya go. it was in fort worth, and the broad was a nurse's aid. http://articles.latimes.com/2002/mar/08/news/mn-31784
  15. there was a case maybe 15 years ago of some chick in houston (?) who ran into a guy who got stuck in her windshield. she had so much compassion she just simply parked the car in her garage and went inside with him still alive and stuck in the glass. i'll see if i can find the story.
  16. really? dang. he was one of the sports voices i grew up with.
  17. if all caps = shouting, does a font that size mean a bullhorn?
  18. more swimming trials tonight. michael phelps will be swimming. 8:00 on nbc.
  19. more golfers dropping out. jason day and shane lowry aren't going, neither are adam scott, charl schwartzl, and rory.
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