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Everything posted by Tank

  1. i can't imagine too many people are really surprised at the outcome of this investigation, especially after the "hey, you're here too? what a coincidence!" meeting on the tarmac last week. but i have faith in slimy hilary. she will somehow manage to be involved next week in something else, something that continues to show the great depths of slimyness she's gone to, and something that her supporters will dismiss as just another witch hunt by her opponents.
  2. make sure you add the phrase "just like hilary with her emails." you'll be golden.
  3. "Bibi said she has daughters of her own and that, as far as she was concerned, education was ruining girls today. "The problems are all because the girls go to school. They see boys, they fall in love," she said. "I will not send my girls to school. That is the only answer."
  4. scum merchants. they're all over sports talk radio, especially during football season. "it's not too late to buy my guaranteed pick for monday night football. call now and i'll give you my three personal picks . . ."
  5. 101.9? big deal. bixby knolls cools down to 101.9 at night.
  6. agree with folding the jacket inside out. several of the guys i sing with do this and rarely if ever have a problem. i'll also add that keeping your suit in the dry cleaning bag seems to have some kind of magic in keeping wrinkles away, too. of course, if you were smarter, you'd just buy a suit at sears when you get there and then just donate it to one of cals defendants when you get back home.
  7. you should have some nice new FBI conspiracy theories to discuss. Enjoy!
  8. The more illegal fireworks become, the more people fire them off. I'm amazed we don't have more house fires on this night, especially since the illegal ones seem to be really big and a whole lot more powerful than our old street ones. That said, I miss the days as a kid when we could buy them freely and everyone would set them off in the street in front of their house. It was a neighborhood event, and it was a normal, fun thing everyone did.
  9. The Big Spaniard about to sign a two year deal with the Spurs. Mavs get both Barnes and Bogut from GS.
  10. If you like outside shooting, the Warriors will be fun to watch. They lost both Barnes and Bogut in the work to clear cap space, so you have to wonder how they'll be affected defensively, if at all. i have no issue with Durant signing with GS. It's 2/54 mil, and he can opt out after one year. I'm a whole lot more offended by what Conley signed for, or what the Lakers are paying Mozgov.
  11. Ha, you just wait until the Lakers pass the ball inside to Mozgov! showtime, part deux.
  12. No offense, but that doesn't sound any more convincing.
  13. It goes along with switching to summer or winter blend. If we were in Illinois where the summers are hot and the winters are brutally cold, it makes sense that you would need to do something to the gas to handle the extreme temperature swings. But that's not our case here, and always feels like a lame excuse to unnecessarily raise our prices.
  14. It only took him 150 shots to free the bird? Guess he wasn't a sniper in the war.
  15. Guy was only 18. Tragic. what kind of sick mind does stuff like this?
  16. Perfect portion size for a family of 9.
  17. Common sense rules the day once again in Sacramento.
  18. boy, just when you thought the clintons couldn't get any slimier.
  19. go kamala. hope you find a smoking gun.
  20. i think it really only works if every single car on the road is running on autopilot. there's just too much human element to compete with, and humans have proven again and again they like to drive like morons. not sure you can really program that into the auto driver program for tesla.
  21. ate there once, at the one in temple city. the grilled cheese was okay, but i had trouble with the 30-gallon bag filled with fries.
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