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Everything posted by Tank

  1. guy on Fox News right now talking about as a society we need to do a better job of highlighting black men who are making positive differences around them, and stop giving so much attention to those who are causing trouble.
  2. i like the home jersey thing. the fighting thing is allowing some fighting but no more unlimited fighting, and that's a good thing. don't have an opinion yet on the icing change. disagree with the author's personal opinion about ending icing on the penalty kill, however.
  3. has the NRA come out and condemned the minnesota shooting yet? after all, the victim was legally allowed to carry and the cops shot him. seems like their kind of case.
  4. i thought the Tea Party started as a group very upset about tax policies. i remember that TEA stood for Taxed Enough Already (at least i think that's what i remember).
  5. absolutely. shooting the police is not the answer and is likely to make them a lot more on edge when dealing with people.
  6. what concerns me so much is how 100% of the blame is being put on police and absolutely 0% being put on victims who resist arrest or fight back. not every victim is guilty of fighting back, but a large percentage of them have done something other than cooperate or comply, and that gets completely overlooked or ignored in people's anger and frustration.
  7. Looking forward to seeing Stanton and Trumbo.
  8. Burbank, Temple City, and Pomona. Bam!
  9. You have to wonder what the protocol is when police pull over someone who is licensed to carry and then Informs them they're carrying, and then you have to wonder why this officer didn't follow it. I'm guessing the Minnesota state treasurer is going to be writing a very large check in the very near future.
  10. Stop muddying the waters with hyperbole, Thomas.
  11. he's a bull. 2 yrs/ 47 mil. miami kept balking at giving him a max contract, so he jumped ship (and rightfully so).
  12. what is it they want to transform america into? maybe that needs to be addressed.
  13. cousin of the ghost shark, something we've known about here for years.
  14. one of my friends built a huge train getup in his garage. they mounted it on a sheet of 4x8 plywood, laid track, built mountains and villages and roads and shops, etc. the thing was amazing. his dad even put in a pulley system so they could lift it up and park the car inside. they spent months putting it all together. in the time we were neighbors, i saw him lower it and run the train twice. that was in a span of 14 years. as far as i know, it's still hanging in his parents garage, and must have a pretty impressive amount of dust on by now.
  15. ** disclaimer: all tables are huge in nate's world.
  16. exactly. someone please carve this in stone. cooperate fully, even if you think you're being wrongly accused. do your fighting in court. the most important thing is to stay alive. don't do anything to provoke the police because they can end your life. and if you resist and get shot by the cops, maybe the people in your community need to recognize that it happened because you screwed up and not necessarily because the cops were trigger happy.
  17. some people would be unhappy with all of that nipple action going on, but it's really important that you feel comfortable in your own skin. #rockonnate
  18. i'd appreciate your complete ranking chart, with pictures, ANS.
  19. that's cool, TORS. at aw.com, we don't judge.
  20. i weighed that consideration quite a bit, but also realized that there are a lot of youngin's on this website who probably have no idea who she is. i did it for them, consequences be damned.
  21. fox has an impressive amount of blonde women on camera.
  22. i completely understand. there's a valid argument against some of our involvement.
  23. send ethan to private school so i can teach him right.
  24. yep. think i'll work on my bunker play, just in case they have an opening for an alternate.
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