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Everything posted by Tank

  1. you know what makes my dog mellow, nate? i'll bet you can guess. #poornate
  2. but yet seems to love to party. not sure if he's trying to go out in a blaze of glory or just doesn't care and wants to be done.
  3. something that important and relevant deserves it's own special thread. fire away!
  4. If it weren't for our grade book being online, I'd seriously consider pulling out the ol smith-corona. and no, that's not a metaphor.
  5. So in your estimation, what should happen now?
  6. So this will bring their attendance to 21,500!
  7. i think you're right. the toughest part in this transition is that we're not getting the new laptops until we report back in august. trying to get our rooms and lessons ready is work enough; now add to that the work to learn a completely new OS for most of us. not looking forward to this and would've preferred getting the new comps in june so we'd have time to learn them over the summer.
  8. a good reminder of how lame twitter is.
  9. you just gave a whole bunch of guys here a lot more excitement than they needed to have, like looking through their first playboy kind of excitement.
  10. maybe it's me, but those don't really look like official baseball shoes.
  11. too bad the ball was no longer coming out of his hand well. best wishes somewhere else, jeppy.
  12. i had to laugh at the kid from the padres. his brother was his pitcher and actually hit him. i'm sure they're gonna have a good laugh over it.
  13. for all the slobbering over stanton and whether or not he would hit the scoreboard, when trumbo finally hit it, the announcers were far less impressed. stanton is just killing it in the final round. this has been fun to watch.
  14. the HRD reminds me why chris berman sucks so much. i'm glad this is really the only time of the year i have to endure hearing him. and what is with all the slobbing all over todd frazier? did he cure cancer or bail out the accounting dept at espn or something? my goodness, i feel like i'm walking in on a couple parked at the top of lookout peak on date night. this is embarrassing.
  15. it's a lot more enjoyable to watch them mash while chowing down on a double-double. #poornate
  16. In a real d'oh! moment I had to remind myself that helicopters don't have ejection seats.
  17. That's the kind of thinking outside the box that makes this a great country.
  18. Duncan is one of only three players to win 1000 career games. His winning percentage was 71%, the best ever.
  19. you've obviously forgotten the Joe Buttitta era ("and that ball is gone for good!").
  20. oh, you have to call. don't trust computers, ever.
  21. al conin was a terrific announcer. wished he would have stuck around longer.
  22. Was listening to the radio broadcast today. The play by play guy was pretty good, like an old school announcer.
  23. I thought maybe you just saved a bundle by switching to Geico.
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