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Everything posted by Tank

  1. can played a video the shooter made. a 29 year old angry black man who said that bullies only understand violence. he said protesting doesn't get heard, and that a bully only understands when you fight back, and it was time to fight back. it's possible the shooter phoned in a fake 911 call to lure the police into a trap, some kind of kill zone.
  2. it's like the two of them were playing a different course. pretty much any other tournament our there if you shoot a 65 on the final day after entering the day one shot behind, you're going to win. phil ends up losing by 3 because stenson just couldn't miss. you realize henrik had 10 birdies today? who does that? fun day to watch, that's for sure.
  3. fwiw it's worth, he finished 5th. shot a 67 today.
  4. i'm watching San Andreas. Pretty cheesy disaster flick, but it has Carla Gugino and Alexandria Diddario. No complaints from me.
  5. i think he was created more by a void of candidates who were any different than the same ol same ol.
  6. you're not going to find too many people, strad, that think our current crop of politicians are doing a good job or have our best interests at heart. i think trump played right into that with his early rhetoric, and when he found people were responding positively to it, he had his "in."
  7. you are correct. this has been the case for a long time. with only 8 regular season home games, teams are going to maximize how much they charge, even for preseason games. a lot of people in this area have probably forgotten about that since there hasn't been a team here for 21 years.
  8. and yet, both of you are reading and posting in the fantasy golf thread. welcome aboard, gentlemen.
  9. agreed. people have become bolder because they're feeling like the law isn't working for them. honestly, it wouldn't surprise me to see more of these attack events happen. i remember the first time hearing about a road rage incident on a freeway where one driver shot at another, and wondering how in the world that could happen. and then just like that we seemed to have a ton of other freeway shootings from drivers. first dallas and now baton rouge. more could be on the way.
  10. reports are that the shooter got the guns from a pawn shop robbery a couple of days ago (if i heard that correctly).
  11. Just once? I thought you've been married for more ten years. and yes, I think it's still true about a bump in the polls. I don't imagine a lot of people keep up each day with politics, so this will be a lot more exposure for them.
  12. That's an insightful view, GB. We'd like to think education helps expand people's thinking, but it wouldn't surprise me if it's really focused more on indoctrination.
  13. I would hope so, but I doubt it'll happen.
  14. For some reason I have HBO so was flipping around and found the new version of Vacation. What a piece of crap. Lasted about fifteen minutes, which was fourteen and a half minutes too long.
  15. Lefty - 65 Stenson - 63 not likely to see a final round duo battle it out like that again. in the meantime, big fantasy points for the ol tankmeister today.
  16. vegan hot dogs. they'll never bother you again.
  17. trump will get a big boost in the polls this week, which is what happens when the parties hold their conventions. hilary will get a big boost when the dems meet in a few weeks.
  18. i ended up picking stenson. pretty glad i did. i have westwood and garcia on my team. neither one of them is a good finisher in the majors. going with sergio sunday because, well, just because.
  19. ^^^^^ that's a great story. good for the cops and the community for stepping up in a huge way. one thing missing from that story: why was he homeless? why didn't he live in the dorm or student housing?
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