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Everything posted by Tank

  1. you're right. i love my couch.
  2. does france allow concealed carry permits for guns?
  3. their soldiers frequently hide amongst the innocent. doesn't make anything okay, but it's part of the reality of the modern world. this is one of the signs found in iraq to try and make the US feel guilty:
  4. Atty: " why did you shoot?" officer: "I don't know." jury: "please write a check for eleventy gazillion dollars and give it to the clerk on your way to the tombs."
  5. Glad to know Bruce is a member of the VFW.
  6. the saga needs to stop. this is being made into a much bigger issue than it deserves. melania et al need to fess up and apologize, and let's move on.
  7. Serious question . . . Why doesn't he go by Richard?
  8. It matters to me, and it should matter to everyone who is not already one of his followers. This speech shouldn't be targeted at his followers.
  9. wow, that pic on the left reminds me so much of mimi eisenhower.
  10. there isn't anything about lesnar's physical appearance that makes me think "oh, i'll bet that's all been done naturally."
  11. tiger withdrew from the PGA championship today. also announced he won't play at all this season (only 3 events left and then next season begins in october). says he just can't seem to get his back loose enough. there simply is no timetable for competition at this point. there's a good piece on espn tonight about why we should care. it's worth checking out.
  12. i'm really curious about trump's speech on thursday night. if he gets up there and just does the freelance thing he's done at his rallies, he's dead meat. i hope his advisors are in his ear and telling him to change how he presents his message. the country and the democrats are watching, and he needs to put his best foot forward, whatever that might be. i'm not really sure i've heard him give a speech yet. seems like all of it's just been off the cuff things, and he just simply can't afford to do that thursday night.
  13. when it rains it pours. see you in 18 months, nick. best wishes.
  14. that would be political suicide for cruz to do at the RNC.
  15. finding dory: B+ you already know what the story is going to be going in, and with it being a disney movie for kids, you know how it's going to end. there really wasn't anything in it that surprised me or that i thought was especially clever, though i did like the scene after the final credits and see how it could become the story line for a finding nemo 3. that said, the animation is always incredible. no memorable songs from this one.
  16. we're going to see more and more of these.
  17. we were on asphalt, but it was the same price no matter where you parked.
  18. didn't read his columns a lot when i was a kid, but appreciated what he had to say as i got older.
  19. your honor, exhibit A of how much fun the internet can be.
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