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Everything posted by Tank

  1. Have t heard anything good about the move to Brooklyn. Stadium doesn't seem to se up well for hockey.
  2. Too bad their helmets look like a fourth grade art project right now.
  3. This team is going nowhere. There's nothing lost by keeping him in the rotation, nor is there anything gained by replacing him with whomever. Let him finish the season so we don't do anything stupid with any youngsters.
  4. i think it's probably a given that whoever party is not currently holding the presidency is going to paint a bleaker picture of life in this country in the hopes of inspiring voters to think that the grass is greener on their side of the aisle. reagan ran on the premise of "are you better off now than you were four years ago?", and it worked perfectly against an incumbent who was seen as too laissez faire. obama used it very effectively in his "hope and change" campaign in '08. trump is using it in his "make america great again" campaign. i think it's equally true that whichever party currently occupies the presidency will have candidates that paint a picture of the country being right on course and that another four years be even better. hilary hasn't really addressed it in her slogan of "i'm with her" this year.
  5. there's just always something with this family. i can't stand them.
  6. my hope is that what he releases will be enough to finally get this slimy liar out of the picture. my belief is that it won't be quite enough and she'll worm her way out of yet another scandal.
  7. dems like to present themselves many times as being above the fray of the repubs. truth is, they're no different. they just choose different avenues to use to screw up.
  8. is america really a bright and cheery place right now? dallas, baton rouge, chicago . . .
  9. LOL. he killed my friend khaddafi so i'm voting for trump. i wonder if they have a lot of voting machines in his village in ethiopia, or if he just does a mail-in ballot.
  10. interesting summary, ray. not terribly relevant to this thread, but interesting in a "hey, i'm new and here's my kitchen sink theory on everything." btw, hamilton "was a bust until he returned to the rangers again" is nowhere close to being true. you may want to look at his stats, that is the very few stats he'll have posted since he's been injured most of the time. oh, and welcome aboard. enjoy your time here.
  11. Yep, you've chosen well this week. Me? Well, I have Kisner, who hot the low round of the day yesterday. Fortunately, I was smart enough to pu him on the bench that day so I could miss out on 20 points. So, congrats to whoever wins this week. It won't be me.
  12. Using the words "best" and "yoko ono" in the same sentence is a tough challenge.
  13. Can we please get a Secretary of State that isn't a doofus? The last two . . . oy vey.
  14. The target audience is jr. high aged girls. Though you meet that particular height requirement, you miss out on the rest of their demographic target. at least I hope you do.
  15. lol. like any of them are going to have time for sex. they'll be dodging mosquitos and bandits 24/7.
  16. oy, wasn't aware he was considering a run. trump needs to steer far, FAR away from this clown.
  17. 9 dead. police have cleared the roads and told everyone to stay home. shooter started unloading at kids at a mcdonalds, then walked outside and started firing randomly. could be as many as 3 shooters, but none are in custody yet.
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