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Everything posted by Tank

  1. Ha ha. Yesterday former aw.com member Eric (the other little guy besides Nate) unfriended Brian and Bruce for their pro-repub anti-lib comments on his page.
  2. They've all relocated to Orlando and Anaheim. Something full-time steady wages with benefits.
  3. Is the money they're hauling in from local casinos making much of a difference for the tribes involved?
  4. Brilliant. Btw, is it expensive to move to Italy? Asking for a friend.
  5. Thanks, amigo. I have a lot of gas. Normally, that's far from being newsworthy or unusual. check the prayer requests thread for the update.
  6. Sometimes we have to touch the wet paint ourselves in order to believe the sign.
  7. It'll just seem like it when Mathis is named manager.
  8. Oh my friend, you're smart enough to know this is standard practice at every single convention. The grass is ALWAYS greener on the challengers side of the fence, while its brown and crusty in the yard of the incumbent party. Always. prediction: it'll sound the same as this in 2020, 2024, 2028, etc.
  9. After bridgegate, he's perfectly in line for for Sec of Transportation.
  10. I'm not sure how his mother or any of the other "victims" mothers furthers the democratic cause. seems like the worst possible type of pandering possible.
  11. Just did a western carribbean cruise last month - Cozumel, grand Cayman, and Jamaica - and loved it. Swam with the dolphins in Cozumel. Highly recommend this trip. The colors of the water are insanely blue.
  12. Rookies reported today! First workout tomorrow.
  13. that would be the swimming pool at the old jerry park, eh?
  14. you guys need to take this to the trade deadline thread.
  15. careful, rally. that's future secretary of the interior christie you're talking about.
  16. then maybe you can stop it by starting a new thread. easy to do.
  17. you asked a question about what defines a successful season. that should be in a new thread, not a thread about trade deadline deals. those who want to continue the discussion with you on this topic should follow you over there.
  18. why don't you start a new thread for this topic. this thread is about the trade deadline, and you have wandered fr, far away from that topic.
  19. Good call. They're nearly mirror images of each other. Surprised there wasn't some kind of copyright lawsuit.
  20. meh, we'll hear parts of it again in four years when trump runs for re-election.
  21. looks like hillary wanted someone in her campaign with just as much experience as herself.
  22. the chinese and iraqi cows were new to this adaptation. they were well done.
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