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Everything posted by Tank

  1. Staggers, yes. She didn't do any crawling but looked she was going to have to to finish. It was such a compelling moment in time. Glad you guys have enjoyed seeing it. and Bruin, make sure you pay for lunch this time. I have Adams Discover card number in case you need it. or Mr. Underhills Amex card number.
  2. Some are complaining that the famous Gadsden flag ("don't tread on me") is a racist symbol. Whaddaya think? Never have i heard anyone come to that kind of conclusion. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/volokh-conspiracy/wp/2016/08/03/wearing-dont-tread-on-me-insignia-could-be-punishable-racial-harassment/
  3. This is Gariela Andersen-Schiess from Austria. She ran in the inaugural women's olympic marathon in 1984 in LA. It was a compelling story, and I remember it very well. For you younger guys, it's well worth the ten minute watch.
  4. Following true Angels form, we got a fifth year JuCo student and a 7th grade foreign student paper editor.
  5. That's Shalala. She's kind of a whore. Be careful.
  6. nike has just gotten into the manufacture of balls and clubs when Tiger hit that ridiculous chip shot at 16 at the masters to win. before dropping in the cup, the ball just paused a moment, and the nike logo was visible. one commentator said that was the best free advertising nike could have ever wanted. a few years ago i bought a sleeve of nike balls to see what they were like. they were crap and i couldn't wait to have adam break into my garage and steal them get rid of them
  7. this may sound ignorant or naive, but i assumed that universal healthcare/ACA would have identical requirements/benefits/prices across the board. it's rather surprising to me to see so many variations in coverage and that it's not all that affordable. *bear in mind that i don't work at petsmart so i'm not "in the industry"
  8. i only recorded the last twenty minutes of it. johnson and weld got a bit more evasive in their answers as the show was winding down. was a little disappointed in that. i like that they're not washington insiders and that they don't want to just keep doing the same ol same ol.
  9. i would stay in san jose. traffic up there sucks donkey balls. several years ago my wife and i were celebrating our anniversary in the area. had tickets to see the Kings v. Sharks. pulled into our hotel at 4 pm to check-in, and as i look around the big crowd of mostly men in the lobby, i recognize Bob Miller and Nick Nickson. seems this was the Kings hotel, too, and they were just checking out to head over to the arena. the most awesome thing about it? it was trade deadline day, and Nickson asked me if i wanted to take a look at the fax he'd received with all the deals listed. that was fun. and i should mention that this hotel was an exceptional easy walk away from the stadium. don't remember the name of it, unfortunately, but don't imagine it's hard to find online. we had to walk under the freeway overpass to get there.
  10. very true. there was a story in the LA Times sunday magazine a few years ago about call boys who were HIV positive. most of them said they didn't care about having it or catching it, and that they wouldn't really use protection because it didn't feel as satisfying. and if they infected their client, tough luck. horrible.
  11. interesting. is rory still on the nike team? not sure i can recall seeing too many nike drivers on the tee in recent tournaments.
  12. Obamacare is called the Affordable Care Act, as i recall. seems we should just start calling it the CA as the affordable part has left the building.
  13. saw this on a bumper sticker a few years ago. brilliant stuff.
  14. FTR, my favorite was Cap Weinberger. George Schultz and his tiger tattoo come in a close second. Cordell Hull can go pound sand as far as i'm concerned.
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