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Everything posted by Tank

  1. the dew has been at weinerschnitzel? why am i just now finding this out??? i feel cheated.
  2. that's what she gets for naming her kid Lyric.
  3. seems like more of a birth control promotion for anyone who might be thinking of conceiving with him.
  4. as always, the amount of help on aw.com never ceases to amaze me.
  5. no. too many white guys with no rhythm.
  6. then my work here is finished. good night.
  7. i have great respect for aid workers who go into some of the most miserable places. i'm not gifted with that interest. stories like this are a good reminder that sometimes self-preservation is more important than the mission you went there to fulfill.
  8. i've only seen one show, and i was so pissed off going into it that i wasn't really in a mood to be entertained. hope that helped!
  9. are the players complaining about him and the way he handles things? or is this mostly just fan perception? "because this year's team has had some injuries." SOME INJURIES?!?!? okay, there must be something wacky in the water in perth if you think we've only had "some" injuries.
  10. she looks like she has total contempt up there on the podium. whether she does or not, be respectful to those who won. that it's someone from her own country should be a little more meaningful for someone who knows she's going to be on camera.
  11. all things considered this year, oz, how do you think having a different manager would have made this year have a better or at least a different outcome? remember to factor in all the injuries.
  12. either johnson or leaving it blank.
  13. as the grinch so poignantly once said, "i wouldn't touch him with a . . . thirty-nine and a half foot pole." and you're welcome for the ear worm.
  14. nice to see that only the manager is responsible for losses, not the players or the AA replacements called up to sub for the 238 players we have on the DL.
  15. what does that make voting for hillary? blind allegiance?
  16. nate, nowhere did i make any assumptions about the truthfulness of other SoS's, so it's not really necessary to call me out on something like any naivete' you may think i have. generally speaking, i'm appalled as a citizen that there is so much dishonesty and lying that goes on by both candidates, and that we have to factor into our vote either who is better at it, or at least whose lies are least damaging. i don't feel like we should tolerate any of it from any of them, and that it's far beyond time to take them to task for it.
  17. what do you do every time your girl pal hillary steps in it again?
  18. "Urena explained the reason behind the post, saying the idea was not meant to be racist but rather a desperate move to create a safe space for her."I do not hate white people, that's not what I screamed in that post," she said. "What I screamed in that post was I am eagerly desperate to create a safe space on this campus in order for me to return and be successful here." well, she ought to be all kinds of fun to date.
  19. my dad was a 6 year old at the time and vaguely remembers standing on santa barbara ave (now king ave) watching the marathon runners. and yes, they were dirt poor.
  20. saw only the tail end of the 4th qtr but was very impressed with mansion and spruce. good to have the team back in town, and great to hear the rams theme song again. they had just shy of 90k at the colosseum last night!
  21. and by the looks of the glove on the left, she has a thing for @Lou's gardner.
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