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Everything posted by Tank

  1. tell the truth . . . it's because you didn't use deionized water, isn't it?
  2. this thread may need to be moved to the after dark forum.
  3. "are you better off now than you were four years ago" was a perfect question to put before people. am shocked - SHOCKED!! - that more candidates don't use it still today.
  4. stalin wasn't as much of a fashion stud when the cameras were around, but your point is not lost.
  5. i think he nails it. love the analogy with what lebron is doing to help make a difference.
  6. i think it's because of the size of his bucket, adam.
  7. Tony Romo has a new jersey for this season.
  8. the chick in that video is a moron. best line i've seen is that SJWs have an addiction to indignation. she certainly personifies that over a stupid hula doll. she also has a voice that can shatter glass. i'm glad the driver dumped her butt on the curb.
  9. i'm having lunch with davis love tomorrow. i'll see what i can find out.
  10. I'd wager a tidy sum that kaepernick, like most Americans, has never read or sung anything other than the first verse of the anthem, and that it never entered his thinking in all of this.
  11. The Lady in Red. always enjoyed his movies.
  12. this is a good post, NJ. sitting out the anthem pisses off an awful lot of people and makes you look douchy, but it doesn't really address the problem he's protesting. it's also not one of those problems that is unknown to most people - there have been enough incidences and enough media coverage that everyone is well aware by now. so why not go to a city where this has been a problem - or just go to your own backyard in oakland - and donate a big check to an inner city school district for supplies or books or computers or whatever, or help fund a boys or girls club, or an inner city sports program, or do something of consequence. just sitting on your can because you're upset doesn't do anything. as my grandpa used to say, if you want something done, pick up a shovel and get going.
  13. you should pick kaepernick #1 overall. i think he has a bright future ahead of him.
  14. thanks for finding that. man, what a tough way to end your tournament, one that you arguably could have/should have won. well, he's got the next two weeks to showcase himself. let's see how bad he really wants this.
  15. These one word all caps answers? I'm reading them in the voice of Steve Carrell in Anchorman.
  16. That's a really baffling element in all of this. But it also points out the heartlessness of ISIS. They have zero compassion for anyone, and zero interest in finding solutions. So typical of the extreme Muslim groups - obey or else.
  17. Kaepernick announced he's going to continue sitting during the anthem. is this protest actually accomplishing anything?
  18. As if there was any doubt that both of them already suck.
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