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Everything posted by Tank

  1. mostly we deal with derogatory comments about someone's race. it gets mixed in with bullying. you should note that i'm at a fairly small parochial school with 96 students in our jr. high. we don't have gang issues or turf wars, or things like that.
  2. the head of wells fargo just retired and received a payout of $124 million as part of her compensation. only in america.
  3. making the decision to jump . . . can't imagine. i suppose the upside is that you know it'll be over in seconds whereas burning to death or suffocating would take much longer and be a lot more painful. may none of us ever have to face such a choice.
  4. i initially read this as "i would immediately hit the GUN." can't say i disagree, either.
  5. dark and cool all day, little bit of rain to boot. this is my ideal weather day.
  6. awesome post. would read again.
  7. telling racial jokes, stereotyping, and laughing or making fun of people's differences may not be the same as forcing blacks to the back of the bus or refusing to serve them in your restaurant, but it's not a healthy thing by any stretch of the imagination. with kids, it fosters an attitude of "you're not as good as me because you're different" or "i'm better than you because xxxxxxx." none of it is good, whether it's actions, words, or a secret prejudice no one knows about.
  8. i'm thinking that if goff had been in the game last night they would have beaten the crap out of him or he may not have been ready for what the niners threw at him. i'm also not sure i want to trust his development to a lousy coach.
  9. one of my former students is a freshman at arizona and plays in their band. pretty excited for him.
  10. true, but you'll lose whatever college eligibility you had left.
  11. i'm eligible for an upgrade now, but my two year contract runs through february and i'd like to make sure that money i spent to get my iphone 6 is spent over the entire length of my contract. i have no interest right now in getting locked into a monthly payment plan.
  12. i'm not sure where you're getting your info, but to say that racism today is "very rare" is just flat out wrong. it may not be as out in the open as it once was, but rare? hardly. i see plenty of it here on my Christian campus just in the jr. high.
  13. my wife went in to the apple store on friday and ended up replacing her phone with an iphone 6s plus. discoverd that apple is no longer doing the 2-year deal where you buy the phone outright. you either pay the full price now, which is around $700 or so, or you go on a monthly pay plan. not sure of all the details yet, but someone on the radio said it's apple's way of taking more control. no doubt. p.s. wife chose the monthly payment plan.
  14. burger king must be convinced that every one of their customers ideal weight is 450 lbs.
  15. my expectations were tempered because they haven't been a good team for awhile, but wow, what a letdown last night. the offense just never seemed to make any adjustments, and they looked horrible all night long. keenum is a short-term solution until they feel goff is ready to go. hopefully, that transition won't take too long to get here. fisher will stay the season just to make sure the transition is smooth, but i can't imagine he's anywhere near this football team once the season ends. here's hoping for better results on sunday against the seahawks. LOL.
  16. one of his teammates on mt. sac said on a radio interview yesterday that the ref did a huge flop job, as if to suggest what what his teammate did wasn't all that bad until the ref did a greg louganis. idiot.
  17. It is refreshing to read you again. You've become something like the aw.com version of Jim Murray. Good to have you back, DR.
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