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Everything posted by Tank

  1. "How to unburn a Hamilton jersey night" in Arlington.
  2. Stopped reading at "a worker in a whiskey factory."
  3. make sure you get the four-wheel drive. only a moron would neglect to do that.
  4. Thur 9-15 Buffalo (Pick) Sun 9-18 Baltimore (­-7.0) Pittsburgh (-3.0) Washington (-2.5) Kansas City (+2.5) New England (-6.5) NY Giants (-4.5) Carolina (-13.5) Detroit (-5.5) Seattle (-6.5) Arizona (-6.5) Oakland (-4.5) Indianapolis (+6.0) San Diego (-3.0) Green Bay (­-2.0) Mon 9-19 Philadelphia (+3.0)
  5. i'm trying to figure out why barkley costs more than duncan. i'm not really coming up with any good answers, either.
  6. cancelling my order for a bumper sticker for adam that says "i <3 my HOA"
  7. is it okay to post in this thread if, oh i don't know, let's say i was shooting on a camping trip and some bear grabbed my camera bag and started to run off.
  8. remake of the magnificent 7 is coming out soon and the advertising has begun in earnest. i hope it doesn't suck.
  9. 1941 is such a VASTLY underrated and underappreciated comedy.
  10. i'm ambivalent about it. play it, don't play it, doesn't really matter to me, tbh. but i agree with jay that if it's played, be respectful.
  11. PG - Magic SG - West SF - Bird PF - Garnett C - Shaq who ya got?
  12. @Glen will this do as an explanation for what it means to disrespect the flag/or what it represents?
  13. pure evil. pure, unadulterated evil. just take them out back with a few sharpshooters and get it over with now.
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